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Le devoir de diligence du transporteur maritime de marchandises en droit CEMAC( Télécharger le fichier original )par OUSMANOU HADIDJATOU FSJP UNIVERSITE DE NGAOUNDERE - MASTER EN DROIT PRIVE GENERAL 2014 |
ABSTRACTSAs part of transport law, and especially the marine transportation law, diligence occupies a prominent place. Here it is called "reasonable" to comply with its translation Anglo-Saxon "due diligence". the carrier is required during the execution of his contract to a duty of care, duty also was dedicated in obligation by the Community legislature in the code of the merchant navy. However we note a real evolution of this obligation in 2001 that confined only before and early in the trip. Now with the revised code of Shipping; the legislator states in Article 525 that the duty of care runs from beginning of the journey to the finish while insisting on its reasonableness. Article 525 CMM revised in 2012 shows that the carrier's duty of care extends from travel preparation to the finish. This diligence is thus a legal obligation charged to the carrier for scrutinizing his behavior for the purpose of reintroducing liability. In truth, it is inevitably a strictly personal duty of the carrier, which can not be delegated to its employees, contractors or auxiliaries. The carrier is subject to strict liability. This first judicial expression was reaffirmed by Community law in Article 546 para 1 of the CEMAC Merchant Shipping Code. In this objective clearly based system, the carrier will automatically respond when damage occurs when it took over the goods until arrival. To be exonerated, he will have to demonstrate an excepted case; even that the proprietor of cargo in turn proves that he was not diligent. This breach of the duty of diligence is charged to a fault such as to exclude or impede the exception cases. Keywords:obligation, due diligence, excepted cases. . SOMMAIREAVERTISSEMENT ERREUR ! SIGNET NON DÉFINI. LISTE DES ABREVIATIONS, SIGLES ET ACRONYMES IV LA CONSISTANCE DU DEVOIR DE DILIGENCE DU TRANSPORTEUR MARITIME DE MARCHANDISES EN ZONE CEMAC 8 CHAPITRE I- LE DOMAINE DU DEVOIR DE DILIGENCE DANS LE TRANSPORT MARITIME DES MARCHANDISES 10 SECTION I- LA DILIGENCE DU TRANSPORTEUR DANS LA PREPARATION DU VOYAGE 11 SECTION II- LA DILIGENCE DU TRANSPORTEUR EN COURS DU TRANSPORT ET A L'ARRIVEE 17 CHAPITRE II- LA MATERIALITE DU DEVOIR DE DILIGENCE DU TRANSPORTEUR MARITIME 26 SECTION I- LE CONTENU DU DEVOIR DE DILIGENCE 26 SECTION II- LE CARACTERE PERSONNEL DU DEVOIR DE DILIGENCE 32 CHAPITRE I : LA REINTRODUCTION DE LA RESPONSABILITE DU TRANSPORTEUR MARITIME DE MARCHANDISES EN ZONE CEMAC 45 SECTION I- UNE RESPONSABILITE PAR NEUTRALISATION DES CAS EXCEPTES 46 SECTION II- UNE RESPONSABILITE PAR EXCLUSION DES CAS EXCEPTES 52 CHAPITRE II : LA REPARATION DU DOMMAGE CAUSE PAR LE TRANSPORTEUR MARITIME DE MARCHANDISES 60 SECTION I- LE MAINTIEN DE PRINCIPE DU PLAFONNEMENT LEGAL 60 PARAGRAPHE II- LE MONTANT DE LA REPARATION 64 SECTION II- L'EXCEPTION : LES CAS DE DEPLAFONNEMENT 67