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Prévalence de la tuberculose multiresistante sur la ville de Mbujimayi( Télécharger le fichier original )par Taylor NTUMBA Université de Mbujimayi - Docteur en Médecine humaine 2015 |
ABSTRACTThe Multiresistante tuberculosis (TB-MR) is a world problem of public health. We assigned ourselves to sum up the tuberculosis multiresistante in the city of Mbujimayi. The survey is old-fashioned forecasting and the size of our sample is of 31 patients under treatment of the tuberculostatics of second intention collected in the CSDT of the city of Mbujimayi. The period of our survey is of one civil year, either of June 01, 2014 to June 11, 2015. The following results have been gotten: the prevalence of the tuberculosis multirésistante is of 2,25%; the majority of the cases of tuberculosis multiresistant is 11cas (35,4%) were the CSDT of the central jail; the masculine sex is the more represented with 90,30%; the age group of 22-28ans is the more concerned in our survey with 38,71% with a middle age of 34,5ans. The notion of alcoholism, tobacco addiction and tubercular contage was raised respectively in 67,7%, 61,3% and in 58,1% of the cases; the patients with 2 episodes of TBC represented 38,7%. The therapeutic observance in the previous treatment is of 74,2% while the non observance is of 25,8% and the reason the more evoked is the long distance in 6,5%. The VIH serology was positive to 9,67%. In manner of conclusion, we say that the tuberculosis multiresistante is a world problem of public health and the city of Mbujimayi is not saved some. Keywords: Tuberculosis-multiresistante-Tuberculostatic- Mbujimayi. INDEX DES ABREVIATIONS
EPIGRAPHE Erreur ! Signet non défini. PREMIERE PARTIE : REVUE DE LA LITTERATURE 3 CHAPITRE I : GENERALITES SUR LA TUBERCULOSE 4 I.1. Définitions de concepts 4 I.4. Types de tuberculose et leurs manifestations 7 I.5. Diagnostic de la tuberculose 8 I.6. Prise en charge de la Tuberculose 9 CHAPITRE II : TUBERCULOSE MULTIRESISTANTE 11 II.2. Mécanisme d'acquisition d'une résistance 11 II.3. Diagnostic biologique d'une résistance 13 II.4. Prise en charge de la tuberculose multiresistante 13 DEUXIEME PARTIE : INVESTIGATIONS SUR TERRAIN 19 CHAPITRE III: MATERIEL ET METHODES 20 3.1.MILIEU ET PERIODE D'ETUDE 20 3.2.1. Collecte des données 20 3.2.2.Critères de sélection et échantillon 20ères de sélection 20 3.2.4. Procédure de collecte des données 21 3.2.5. Analyses statistiques 21 3.2.6. Considérations éthiques 22 CHAPITRE V : DISCUSSION ET COMMENTAIRE 27 CONCLUSION ET RECOMMANDATIONS 29 REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES 30 ANNEXE |