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Impacts des dynamiques agricoles sur l'environnement de Melongpar Emile Roger MBOUNGUE Université de Douala - Master 2 2021 |
ABSTRACTAt all times and in all skies, agriculture, the modernization of its practices and the diversification of its productions have had the main objective of meeting the ever-growing and multifaceted needs of populations. The transformation of agriculture in order to cope with an adequate local food supply is explained by various issues and involves challenges to be met. Demographic pressure, the economic crisis and the limitation of available agricultural land, have pushed farmers to switch from extensive to intensive agriculture. In the north-western production basin of the highlands of Manengouba where with the fall in the prices of cash crops on the world market, production mentalities have evolved towards more food crops than cash crops. The same is true for the district of Melong. Indeed, after the fall of coffee growing caused by the economic crisis of the 1980s, the peasant populations started to cultivate short-cycle food crops, in the market garden. To therefore increase production, farmers have embarked on the increased use of fertilizers and chemicals at the risk of preserving the environment. This work attempts to show how a decline in the monoculture cash flow systems promised by the state in Melong district has gradually given way to non-state and associative multicultural and multi-technical cultures and systems. These multiple systems and techniques have serious impacts on the environment. Since a lot of fertilizers and chemicals are applied to increase the production of short cycle crops. Faced with this thorny problem, we found it wise to focus our study on the impact of agricultural dynamics in order to highlight agro-ecological measures. In response to this concern, we hypothesized that the changes that have occurred in agriculture over the past decades are at the spatial, social, economic, political and technical levels. This has resulted in socio-economic impacts and the modification of ecosystems in the locality of Melong. To achieve this, we collected qualitative and quantitative data, focused on direct observations in the field, surveys and reading documents. In the end, it emerges from this research that the vegetation experienced a sharp decline between 1975 when there was a forest area of ??28,405 ha to an area of ??9,453 ha in 2020. In addition, new agricultural practices are in the pipeline. Origin of the eutrophication of the water, the disappearance of fauna including hedgehogs (33%), antelopes (21%). For a sustainable agriculture, it is imperative to proceed to a reasoned use of pesticides and fertilizers. Keywords: Impact, Agricultural dynamics, Environment, Melong district SOMMAIREAVANT PROPOS Erreur ! Signet non défini. LISTE DES PLANCHES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES xii LISTE DES SIGLES ET ABREVIATIONS xiv PREMIERE PARTIE : CADRAGE GENERAL DE L'ETUDE, METHODOLOGIE DE LA RECHERCHE, COLLECTE ET TRAITEMENT DES DONNEES 1 I.CONTEXTE GENERALE DE L'ETUDE 2 II.JUSTIFICATION DU CHOIX DU SUJET 4 III.DELIMITATION DU SUJET DE RECHERCHE 5 VI.LES QUESTIONS DE RECHERCHE 15 VIII.HYPOTHESE DE RECHERCHE 17 IX.CADRE CONCEPTUEL ET THEORIQUE DE LA RECHERCHE 21 XII.APPROCHE METHODOLOGIQUE DE LA RECHERCHE 37 XIII. LIMITES DE LA METHODOLOGIE 45 XIV.DIFFICULTES RENCONTREES 45 DEUXIEME PARTIE : PRESENTATION DES RESULTATS ET DISCUSSION 48 CHAPITRE I : ETAT DES LIEUX DE L'AGRICULTURE 49 I.1. DE NOMBREUSES TECHNIQUES AGRICOLES UTILISÉES 49 I.2. LES SYSTÈMES DE CULTURE 65 I.3. LES ACTEURS DE L'AGRICULTURE DANS L'ARRONDISSEMENT DE MELONG 69 I.4. DES AGRICULTEURS A MAJORITÉ ORIGINAIRES DU LITTORAL 74 I.5. LE MODES D'ACCÈS À LA TERRE DOMINÉE PAR L'HÉRITAGE 75 I.6. DE NOMBREUX BASSINS AGRICOLES DANS L'ARRONDISSEMENT DE MELONG 78 CHAPITRE II : LES FACTEURS DES DYNAMIQUES AGRICOLES 81 II.1. LES FACTEURS NATURELS : INCONTOURNABLES POUR LA PRATIQUE AGRICOLE 81 II.2. LES FACTEURS ÉCONOMIQUES : DE NOMBREUSES FACILITÉS ÉCONOMIQUES ET LA CRISE CAFÉIÈRE 91 II.3. FACTEURS SOCIOCULTURELS 92 II.4. LES FACTEURS POLITIQUES : L'ETAT ET SA POLITIQUE AGRICOLE 97 CHAPITRE III : LES DIFFERENTES DYNAMIQUES AGRICOLES DANS L'ARRONDISSEMENT DE MELONG 99 III.1. LES DYNAMIQUES SPATIALES 99 III.2. LES DYNAMIQUES SOCIALES 102 III.3. DES DYNAMIQUES AU NIVEAU ÉCONOMIQUE CONSIDÉRABLES 105 III.4. AU NIVEAU DES TECHNIQUES AGRICOLES 109 III.5. AU NIVEAU POLITIQUE 114 III.6. AU NIVEAU ENVIRONNEMENTAL 118 CHAPITRE IV : IMPACTS DES DYNAMIQUES AGRICOLES 120 IV.3. AU NIVEAU ENVIRONNEMENTAL 125 |