Analyse de la politique d'exemption de paiement des soins en Cote d'Ivoire: cas de la politique de la gratuite ciblee des soins dans le district sanitaire de Tiassale 120 km d'Abidjan( Télécharger le fichier original )par Romain YOHOU Université Senghor d'Alexandrie - Master II Santé internationale 2015 |
ABSTRACTIn the framework of the expectation of the millennium development goals (MDGs), most countries have decided to abolish user fees in the health sector for a vulnerable categories: women and children (age range 0- 5 years).In Cote d'Ivoire, this has been noticed by the targeted exemption policy by the government after the political military crisis in March 2011. Four years after its implementation, it was appropriate to make the evaluation to persuade beneficiaries, policy makers and health professionals about the effectiveness of such a measure in expectation of its goal. Our study on policy analysis for exemption of user fees in heath sector in Cote d'Ivoire case of free targeted in the health district of Tiassalé was aimed to compare the results of morbidity data and of the period preceding the death gratuity policy targeted to those in the free period and analyze difficulties in implementation this policy among users and health professionals. It was a prospective and evaluative study. It referred to combined two methods: one based on interviews with users and health professionals, and the other based on an advanced research based on comprehensive literature of morbidity and mortality data from a period of three years before and after the introduction of free policy with the charge of epidemiological surveillance. The detailed results of this assessment and the lessons learned from these two periods have shown the potential of the abolishment of user fees in increasing the use of health services. Indeed, it was noted: - An increase of 64.9% of children 0 to 5 years of consultation - An increase of 52.71% of assisted deliveries - A decrease of 54.57% of maternal deaths - A decrease of 0.69% of mothers before and after childbirth evacuations - A decline in home deliveries by 23.3% - A reduction in inequalities in access to care: 87.5% of clients were from the informal sector and 20.83% lived at a distance of more than 15 km of health facilities. Moreover, it emerged from the analysis of the bottlenecks, the need to take into account a number of shortcomings including: · At the communication: 83.30% and 55.60% of the customers of health professionals were under informed. · At the level of funding: in 33.33% of cases, users lacked medicines. Regarding monitoring and evaluation of programs : 44.40% of health professionals have not had access to guidance and none have been recycled ; in addition the flap · In the absence of a formal framework for staff motivation Keywords: health; user fees, district Tiassalé Liste des acronymes et abréviations utilisés- OMS : Organisation Mondiale de la Santé - ASC : Agent de Santé Communautaire - CHR : Centre Hospitalier Régional - ESPC : Etablissement Sanitaire de Premier Contact - ONG : Organisation Non Gouvernementale - HG : Hôpital Général - CPN : Consultation Prénatale - CHU : Centre Hospitalier- Universitaire - HELP : Hilfe zur selbsthielfe - MDM : Médecin du monde - MSF-F : Médecin sans frontière France - PGC : Politique de la Gratuité Ciblée TABLE DES MATIERES LISTE DES ACRONYMES ET ABREVIATIONS UTILISES v I.1 Approche des exemptions de paiement : 5 I.1.1 l'approche étatique des exemptions 5 I.1.2 L'approche internationale 5 I.1.3 L'approche des Organisations non gouvernementales 6 1.2 La mise en oeuvre des politiques d'exemption 6 1.2.1 Les politiques nationales d'exemption : 6 1.2 .2 L'approche de mise en oeuvre par la contribution des ONG 9 1.3 Approche dans le Financement de la politique 10 1.4 Approche liée à la pérennisation de la politique 10 3. REVUE DE LITTERATURE SUR LES POLITIQUES D'EXEMPTION DE PAIEMENT DES SOINS 14 3.1 État des lieux des connaissances disponibles. 14 3.2 Politique d'exemption de paiement en côte d'Ivoire : cas de la politique de gratuité ciblée. 19 4 : DEFINITION ET ANALYSE DES TERMES OPERATIONNELS 22 4.5 Disponibilité en ressources humaines 24 4.6 Disponibilité et l'accessibilité des médicaments 24 4.7 Formation du personnel au protocole thérapeutique dans un contexte de gratuité de soin. 24 4.8 Utilisation des services 24 5.2 Type et durée de l'étude 29 5.4 Echantillon et échantillonnage 30 5.6 Outil de collecte et collecte des données 31 5.8 Considération éthique : 32 10 REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES 66