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Requirement study for the business integration of the new SCADA/EMS system on the AES SONEL network in Cameroon( Télécharger le fichier original )par Mbelli Njah Fongha Polytechnic,Yaounde - Masters Engineering in Electrical Engineering(Diplome d'ingenieur de conception avec option Genie Electrique) 2009 |
RESUMELa « Business Integration » est définie comme étant le processus d'opérationnalisation durable d'équipements, afin d'assurer l'effectivité pour une entreprise des valeurs ajoutées escomptées par l'acquisition de ces équipements. Ce processus qui passe par l'implémentation des équipements, le transfert technologique, l'internalisation et l'appropriation peut se décliner sur trois dimensions d'opérationnalisation : technologique, fonctionnelle, organisationnelle. la « Business Integration » telle que définie ci-dessus est envisagée dans le cadre de l'implémentation des équipements matériels et logiciels d'un système informatique. Les « requirement for business integration » consistent en l'ingénierie du processus de « business integration » d'un système informatique en vue de produire des spécifications pour assurer une bon déroulement du processus dans les trois dimensions évoquées ci avant : une implémentation correcte des équipements (dimension technologique de l'intégration), le bon usage des fonctionnalités (dimension fonctionnelle de l'intégration), l'ajustement continu de l'organisation pour tirer le meilleur partie de la technologie (dimension organisationnelle de l'intégration). En d'autres termes les « requirements for business integration » constituent le pivot de l'assurance qualité pour une « business intégration » réussie. Le contexte des présents travaux est la mise en oeuvre chez AES-Sonel d'un système informatique pour la planification, la supervision, le contrôle et le comptage des flux d'énergie dans le réseau électrique du Cameroun. Après avoir acheté ce système AES-Sonel commence tout juste l'implémentation des différents équipements qui le composent. L'objectif des présents travaux est de (i) détecter toutes les exigences de la BI de ce système informatique, puis de (ii) spécifier chacune de ces exigences. L'approche méthodologique utilisée à ces effets combine l'ingénierie des projets d'implémentation de systèmes informatiques, l'ingénierie des spécifications et l'ingénierie des processus. Au délà du stage, le travail se poursuivra par une tentative de généralisation des résultats obtenus chez AES-Sonel par la production de spécifications pour la mise en oeuvre d'un logiciel d'assurance qualité pour la « Business Integration » de tout système d'informatique dans une entreprise donnée. ABSTRACTBusiness integration involves all the processes necessary in bringing into full and sustained operation equipments (hard and soft) in order to make sure that they satisfy the needs they were undertaken for during buying. In case of information systems, business integration involves all the processes from implementation through transfer and operation to ownership and is divided into technological, functional and organization integration. Developing requirements for the business integration of an information system is a systems engineering process for business integration with the main goal of producing specifications and quality assurance measures to guarantee a successful business integration, hence ensuring correct implementation of equipments (technological integration); proper, full and sustained use of equipment functionalities (functional integration) and continual appropriate organizational adjustment to ensure that the complete technological and functional benefits of the equipments are obtained. In other words, these business integration requirements and their corresponding specifications, form the most important quality assurance measures for successful business integration. The context of this dissertation resides on the fact that AESS has bought and is about to implement the equipments (hard and soft) of an information/computer system for use in managing the operations on the whole Cameroonian electricity transmission network The objective of this dissertation is to (i) elicit all the requirements and aspects for the business integration of this information system and (ii) develop their corresponding specifications. In this light, the adopted methodology combines aspects of information systems project implementation, requirement engineering; change management; process reengineering and technology transfer. This work would be followed by another project that would try to generalize the results obtained for AESS in producing specifications for the development of a quality assurance software for the business integration of an information system in any given business/company. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: CONTEXT AND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION.................................17 1.2: PRESENTATION OF AES SONEL 18 1.2.3: Organization of AES Sonel 18 Hierarchical organization of AES Sonel 18 Organization of the network operations department 19 1.2.4: Description of the AES Sonel network 20 1.3: Problem location and description 23 1.3.1: Existing operations management system 23 Existing SCADA system 25 Existing telecommunication system 27 1.3.2: The TSO and the new electricity market system 29 Compositional overview 33 Technical Overview of PMS 34 Functional Overview of PMS 38 1.3.5: The Business Integration problem 43 1.4: Scope of work and specific objectives 44 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY.....................................................................45 2.3: Technology transfer project management 48 2.3: Information systems project implementation 49 2.4: Requirement engineering 52 2.4.1: Requirement gathering 52 2.4.2: Requirement analysis and specifications development 54 2.6: Business Process Reengineering (BPR) 57 CHAPTER 3: RESULTS...............................................................................61 3.2: Requirements for PMS business integration 62 3.2: PMS business integration requirements specifications 62 3.2.1: Technological requirements 62 Pre-requisites for implementation 62 Implementation 63 Project Follow-up and Handling 63 Systems Operation and Business Integration (BI) 65 Civil, Construction and adaptation Works 66 Telecommunication Infrastructure 66 QUALITY DATA FOR SYSTEM 67 Organizational Data 67 Transmission Network Plan 67 Telecommunication Network Infrastructure 67 Profile Data for System users (System Operators and System Administrators) 68 Generation System Owner Data 68 Transmission System Customer/End User data 68 SCADA Process Data 70 Generation Process Data 72 Network Application Process Data 73 3.2.2 Organizational requirements 74 Operations reengineering 74 Organizational reengineering 77 3.2.3 Operational requirements 79 3.2.4: Maintenance and Support 82 Maintenance and Spare Part Replacement Strategy 82 Hardware Documentation 84 Equipment Documentation 85 Installation Documentation 85 Software Documentation 86 3.3 Quality assurance measures conformance checklist for business integration 86 3.3.1: Telecommunication systems quality assurance conformance checklist 86 3.3.2: Systems rollout quality assurance conformance checklist 87 3.3.3: Training quality assurance conformance checklist 87 3.3.4: Documentation quality assurance conformance checklist 88 CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES.............................................................89 BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES....................................................................91 ANNEX...................................................................................................93
TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Hierarchical organizational chart of AESS 16 Figure 2: Organizational chart of the network operations department 17 Figure 3: The southern grid 19 Figure 4: The northern grid 20 Figure 5: SCADA systems on the southern grid 23 Figure 6: Control room at dispatch center, Magombe, Edea, Cameroon. 24 Figure 7: Future hierarchical dispatching structure 28 Figure 8: Compositional overview of PMS system 31 Figure 9: SCADA/PMS system Overview 32 Figure 10: Principle overview of system control center, Cameroon 35 Figure 11: PMS subsystems functions 37 Figure 12: Metering Management system 40 Figure 14; The system development life cycle is sometimes called the waterfall method 46 Figure 15: Process data diagram for the change management process 54 Figure 16: Business process reengineering consolidated methodology 57 Figure 17: Generation assets and storage dams foe AES Sonel a Figure 18: National System Control Center (NSCC), Douala b Figure 19: North Control Center, Garoua c Figure 20: Yaoundé Control Center, Yaoundé d THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK |