1.3.1: Existing operations
management system
The entire existing operations management system used by the
network operations department for the management of all the operations on the
electricity transmission network is organized into processes, procedures and
resources. Processes
The processes involved in transmission network operations
management which represent an audit of the main technical activities of the
network operations department include
v Capacity planning: demand planning
forecasting, load flow and stability assessment, technical studies and
enquiries, replacement and refurbishment planning and transmission system
improvement efficiency.
v Operations planning: water flow and load
forecasting, generation scheduling, production simulation including costing and
budgeting, active and reactive power dispatch optimization and transmission
reliability and efficiency.
v Data management: data preparation including
collection and warehousing, energy accounting (power exchange metering
operation), technical performance reporting.
v Supervision and control: grid dispatch
logistics, system real time monitoring and control, power system restoration,
control room resource scheduling and system data and event logging.
v Water resource management: management of
the water level and flow rate in the storage dams, productions dams and the
hydro stations on the Sanaga River.
v Metering and scheduling: billing, energy
and production counting, energy and production costing, energy allocation,
energy balancing, energy flow registration, losses calculation, meter reading
and meter data collection, contract management, meter maintenance and metering
infrastructure management.
v General: training, information exchange, IT
infrastructure maintenance and support. Procedures
There exist well established procedures in operating
instructions manual for all the above processes of which detailed description
is out of scope of this work. For example, for the supervision and control
process, there exist different procedures to be used by the grid
dispatch/system operators in restoring the power system to the normal state
from an alert state, an emergency state, a critical state or a black-out state
and of which there also exist different procedures for restoring the power
system to the normal state from a black-out state resulting from a fault,
insufficiency in production capacity, maintenance intervention, failure of a
major equipment or system e.t.c. Resources
The resources used managing operations on the transmission
network can be divided into human resources and systems (technologies,
softwares) Human
The network operations department organized into a grid
dispatch sub-department and TSO sub-department has at its head an engineer
(departmental head).
The grid dispatch sub-department headed by a senior operations
engineer (the sub-departmental head) is structured into an operations division
and a hydrology sub-division. The operations division is made up of 11
employees with a senior electrical engineer at the head (operation divisional
head) and a team of 10 dispatchers/system operators working on shifts of 8
hours per day and 7 days a week while the hydrology sub-division is made up of
about 10 employees with a senior hydrology engineer at the head (divisional
head), 2 hydrology technicians responsible for collecting and analyzing
hydrological data obtained by the other technicians dispersed at the different
hydro stations on the Sanaga river and at the production dams.
The TSO sub-department headed by a senior engineer is
structured into an information system division, a metering and scheduling
division and a grid code and documentation division. The information system
division is made up of a 1 employee (the divisional head) while the metering
and scheduling division is made up of 3 employees with a senior engineer at the
head (divisional head) and a team of 2 technicians to assist the engineer in
his function to carry out the division's mission.