2.7: Adopted methodology
A combined methodology which included concepts and methods
from the systems development life cycle, information system project
implementation, process engineering, and technology transfer and technology
transfer project management was adopted.
1. The systems development life cycle and the information
system project implementation concepts and methodologies detailed the stages
that would be crossed for the implementation of the PMS system equipments and
were used to obtain some of the requirements
2. Requirement gathering techniques were also used to obtain
the rest of the requirements
3. A link between the requirements was being established
4. The requirements were then grouped into the technological,
organisational and functional dimension
5. Then, techniques and concepts in technology transfer,
technology transfer project management, process reengineering, change
management and requirement analysis and specifications development were being
used to develop the specifications for the requirements.
1) In order to make sure Siemens implement PMS equipments as
specified, we need to
o Identify all prerequisites for implementation
o Set up the proper organization for PMS implementation taking
into account AESS internal constraints Vs Contractor planning.
o Identify unit test requirements (FAT)
o Identify integration tests requirements (SAT)
o Identify system test requirements (SAT)
2) The most important responsibility of AESS during
implementation is to
o Provide system data
o Validate system data
3) Business process reengineering would enable AESS to adapt,
redesign and change (reengineer) its organization and business (existing
socio-technical setting) to properly and completely integrate the PMS system
equipments in operations management through a
o PMS Impact study : identify impacted business units/BU
departments/people/detect people adequacy to function
o First round of organizational change : new
structure/units/function/ assignment/mission
4) Proper use of PMS equipments during their life cycle by all
people involved in system operation and system management would be ensure by
ensuring efficient technology transfer during business integration through
o Training of users
o Training program to organize training of users
o Keep user documentation available to every users
5) Full and sustained operation of implemented PMS equipments
would be ensured by
o Setting-up a maintenance policy
o Making sure all people involved in system maintenance are
o Making sure training program include training of
o Making sure maintenance strategy/policy and contractor
support entry are shared
o Keeping system documentation available for every one
2.3: Conclusion
We have adopted a methodology we are going to use in carrying
out this requirement study of which we will present the results in the next
chapter based on state-of-the-art techniques and concepts in requirement
engineering, technology transfer, technology transfer project management,
change management, information systems project implementation and business
process re-engineering.
In this chapter, we present the results of this work by first
presenting the requirements and then their specifications. The chapter then
finishes by presenting the implications of the requirement specifications in
quality assurances measures for efficient business integration.
3.2: Requirements for PMS
business integration
The following requirements were obtained
1. Technological integration requirements
1.1 pre-requisites for implementation (site preparation)
1.2 quality data for system (data requirements)
2. Organizational integration requirements
2.2 Business process reengineering
3. Functional integration requirements
3.1 systems rollout
3.2 training
3.3 maintenance and support
3.4 documentation
3.2: PMS business
integration requirements specifications