SCADA Process
Data necessary for the development of the teleinformation plan
for the SCADA system. They constitute data points for the SCADA system and can
be classified into four main categories
1) Controls/Commands
2) Status
3) Alarms
4) Measurements Controls
Data on all substation equipments per substation of the
southern grid that receive controls/commands and the nature of control/command
forming control data points and would include
· Substation name e.g. Bekoko
· Equipment e.g. transformer, capacitor, busbar e.t.c.
· Equipment voltage e.g. 225kV, 90kV
· Command equipment e.g. circuit breaker, isolator,
disconnector, tap changer
· Command type e.g. open/close in the case of a circuit
breaker, raise/lower in the case of a tap changer Status
Status information of all important substation equipments as
well as substation command equipments per substation for all the substations of
the southern and would include
· Substation name e.g. Bekoko
· Equipment voltage e.g. 225kV, 90kV e.t.c
· Equipment e.g. generators, switches, tap changers
· Status type e.g. on/off or local/remote in the case of
a switch, manual/auto or local/remote in the case of a tap changer, run/stop in
the case of a generator e.t.c Alarms
Alarms to indicate all
critical (alert or emergency) network situations such as faulty equipments,
confirmation of a command send, faulty operation by a system user, surpassing
limit conditions for all the substations of the southern grid forming the alarm
data points and would include
· Substation name e.g. Bekoko
· Equipment voltage e.g. 225kV, 90kV e.t.c
· Equipment e.g. transformer, capacitor bank e.t.c
· Alarm type e.g. breaker faulty, transformer overloaded
· Alarm condition e.g. critical, non critical e.t.c Measurements
Data concerning all measurements to be taken including
voltage, power (active, reactive and apparent), energy (active, reactive and
apparent), frequency, current, temperature as well as the measurement points
per substation for all the substations of the whole southern grid and should
· Substation name e.g. Bekoko
· Metering points e.g. capacitor bank, feeder,
transformer, busbar e.t.c
· Measurement type e.g. temperature, power (MW, MVA,
MVar), frequency, current, voltage and energy (MWh, MVAh, MVarh) EMS Process Data
This is process data required by the EMS subsystem to carry
out its computations and analysis. Generation
Process Data
All information and data on the
status, generating capacity and availability of the different Generating
(Power) stations connected and supplying power to the transmission system of
the southern grid for dispatching and planning and should include information
such as for each generating station
· Power station e.g. Edea
· Power station owner e.g. AESS
· Generation type (thermal or hydro)
· Production cost
· Available generation capacity
· Installed generation capacity
· Power station connection point
· Power station location