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Amélioration du système de séchage artificiel des fèves de cacao dans les régions à forte pluviométrie au Cameroun : cas du bassin de production du sud-ouest.par Ignace Christian Bagnaka Institut panafricain pour le développement Afrique centrale (IPD-AC) - Master 2 2017 |
ABSTRACT:An emblematic crop in Cameroon, cocoa provides a livelihood for no less than three million people in Cameroon. It accounts for 58.7% of farm revenues and is the second largest export product after hydrocarbons. For several years now, Cameroonian cocoa has been undergoing a discount on the world market. The complaint against it is the presence of the smell of smoke in the beans. A situation that indicates inadequacies in the artificial drying process. A practice used in the production basin of the Southwest, a zone with very high rainfall where the rainy season coincides with the harvest period. This region alone accounts for about 45% of national production. This explains the loss of notoriety of the "Cameroon origin". On the strength of this observation, the public authorities have decided to promote a sustainable cocoa economy by initiating a plan to revive the sector from 2014 with the creation of several projects. The PRSC, under the supervision of MINCOMMERCE was created with the overall objective of reducing post-harvest losses and raising the selling price of cocoa. Although the project concerns the entire production basin of the South-West, i.e. six departments, we worked on the pilot phase of the project carried out in two departments, namely MÉMÉ and FAKO. Our study was spread out exhaustively over all the producers listed in the appendix. In order to show the influence of the improvement of the artificial drying system on the quality of cocoa beans. It was a question of bonus on board to show the possibilities of improvement of the SAMOA dryers and then to show the insufficiencies in the application of the process of artificial drying of the cocoa beans by the producers. At the end of our study, we were able to show that improving the drying system for cocoa beans contributes to improving the quality of the beans. This is possible if the manufacturing defects of the SAMOA dryers are corrected on the one hand, and on the other hand if the producers are effectively supported in the artificial drying process. Following these results, we recommended to the PRSC to deliver the new dryers directly to the drying site rather than to the cooperatives in order to make the task easier for the producers and to be sure that the dryers are well used. We also suggest that the CHRP replace the use of firewood with biogas in order to preserve the flora and contribute to the achievement of DOBs Keywords: Improvement, system, artificial drying, cocoa beans pluviometry SOMMAIREPREMIÈRE PARTIE : EFFETS DES DEFAILLANCES DES ÉQUIPEMENTS DE PRODUCTION EN MILIEU INDUSTRIEL 22 INTRODUCTION DE LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE 22 CHAPITRE 1 : CADRE CONCEPTUEL DES DÉFAUTS DE FABRICATION DES ÉQUIPEMENTS 23 I. L'EVOLUTION DE L'INDUSTRIALISATION DES ENTREPRISES 23 II. LES INFLUENCES DES DÉFAILLANCES DES ÉQUIPEMENTS SUR LA PRODUCTION 30 CHAPITRE 2 : ETAT DES LIEUX DE LA CONSTRUCTION ET DE LA MAINTENANCE DU SÉCHOIR SAMOA 60 I. PRÉSENTATION DES MÉTHODES DE SÉCHAGE THERMIQUES DE CACAO AU CAMEROUN 60 II. AMÉLIORATION DU SYSTÈME DE SÉCHAGE SAMOA 69 CONCLUSION DE LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE 78 SECONDE PARTIE : ACCOMPAGNEMENT DES PRODUCTEURS COMME FACTEUR D'AMÉLIORATION DE LA QUALITÉ DES FÈVES DE CACAO 79 INTRODUCTION DE LA SECONDE PARTIE 79 CHAPITRE 3 : ANALYSE THEORIQUE DE LA GRH EN VUE DE L'OPTIMISATION DE LA QUALITE 80 I. L'ÉVOLUTION DE LA GESTION DES RESSOURCES HUMAINES 80 II. LA CONTRIBUTION DE LA COMMUNICATION INTERNE ET DE LA FORMATION DES RH 91 CHAPITRE 4 : AMÉLIORATION DE LA QUALITÉ DES FÈVES PAR L'ENCADREMENT DES CACAOCULTEURS 99 I. PRÉSENTATION DES PRINCIPAUX PARTIES PRENANTES 100 II. LA DÉMARCHE DE LA MISE EN OEUVRE DES ACTIONS SUR LE TERRAIN 109 CONCLUSION DE LA SECONDE PARTIE 118 |