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Etude épidemiologique clinique et thérapeutique des infections urinaires chez les enfants de 0 a 5 ans a l'hopital provincial du nord-Kivu du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2015( Télécharger le fichier original )par Roger KAMBALE HANGI Université De Goma - Gradué en Médecine 2016 |
ABSTRACTOur work is retrospective and descriptive and is about urinary infections in children from 0-5 years at provincial hospital of Goma. The main goal was to know the epidemiological aspects of UI in children from 0-5 years. Specifically, we wanted to know the global frequency, the epidemiological aspects; and also the clinical and evolutive aspects. For reaching these goals, we've used the documentary technique and the statistic method, and they have permitted us to get data. We've got these results: - The frequency of UI is 7,6% compared to other diseases, - The UI concerns more the feminine sex than the masculine one (56,25 versus 43,75); - The major part of patients come from Goma town; - Fever is the main symptom in UI at a rate of 81,3% in neonates and infants; but digestive signs (diarrhea and vomits) are observed in children in 75% of cases. - Urinary sediment and CBEU are the most done exams, respectively in rates of 90,6% and 56,3%; - Malaria is the pathology usually associated to UI in 43,8%; - The association ceftriaxone-gentamycin is the most used in treatment of UI in a 50% rate ; - 50% of children pass between 4 and 7 days at hospital; - The healing rate is 84,4% of cases and the death rate is 6,2% in our survey. We've concluded that urinary infection is a frequent pathology in pediatrics; its diagnosis is clinical and paraclinical; its management by antibiotic combination leads to healing. So we've recommended to healing staff to well manage UI and to parents to usually consult if a problem occurs to the child and to take care of their children body hygiene. Keywords: epidemiology, infection, urinary infection TABLE DES MATIERESI.1. DEFINITION DES CONCEPTS 5 I.2. RAPPEL ANATOMIQUE ET PHYSIOLOGIQUE 5 I.6.3. Localisation de l'IU 13 CHAPITRE II : MATERIEL ET METHODES 16 II.1.1. Situation géographique de l'HPNK 16 II.1.2. Historique de l'HPNK 16 II.1.3. Activités de l'hôpital 16 II.1.4. Présentation du service de pédiatrie 17 II.1. 5. Organigramme de l'HPNK 18 II.2. POPULATION D'ETUDE ET ECHANTILLON 19 II.4. DIFFICULTES RENCONTREES 20 CHAPITRE III : PRESENTATION DES RESULTATS 21 III.1. FREQUENCE DES INFECTIONS URINAIRES 21 III.2. ASPECTS EPIDEMIOLOGIQUES 21 III.2.1. Répartition des cas d'IU selon le sexe 21 III.2.2. Répartition des cas d'IU selon l'âge 22 III.2.3. Répartition des cas d'IU selon la provenance 22 III.3. ASPECTS CLINIQUES ET PARACLINIQUES 23 III.3.1. Répartition des IU selon les signes cliniques 23 III.3.2. Signes cliniques selon les tranches d'âge 24 III.3.3. Répartition des IU selon la paraclinique 25 III.3.4. Répartition des IU selon les pathologies associées 25 III.4.. REPARTITION DES CAS D'IU SELON LE TRAITEMENT REÇU 26 III.5.1. Répartition des cas d'IU selon la durée d'hospitalisation 26 III.5.2. Répartition des cas d'IU selon la modalité de sortie 27 IV.1. FREQUENCE DES INFECTIONS URINAIRES 28 IV.2. ASPECTS EPIDEMIOLOGIQUES 28 IV.2.1. Le sexe des patients 28 IV.2.3. Provenance des malades 29 IV.3. ASPECTS CLINIQUES ET PARACLINIQUES 30 IV.3.2. Signes cliniques selon la tranche d'âge 30 IV.3.3. Pathologies associées 31 IV.4. ASPECTS THERAPEUTIQUES 32 IV.5.1. Durée d'hospitalisation 32 CONCLUSION ET RECOMMANDATIONS 34 REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES 36 |