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Acteurs, stratégies et perspectives de développement du tourisme a Kye Ossi, ville aux trois frontièrespar Jean Désiré NDONG Université de Yaoundé 1 - Master 2 2021 |
ABSTRACTThe third component of primary health care agreed at the Alma Ata Conference in Kazakhstan in 1978 is the adequate supply of safe water. Thus, this water must be devoid of any physic-chemical and biological component likely to contaminate it. Our study therefore focuses on deciphering the thorny problem of water supply, which is faced by the populations of the Memi'i watershed. This research provides an outline of the answer to the question of this study: how do the inhabitants of Memi'i watershed (Kyé-Ossi) do to obtain water and what are the possibilities of health risks related to the consumption of this water? To the answer to this question, this brief has as its main purpose or objective, to show the existing correlation between the water collected and consumed on both sides by the population of the Memi'i watershed and the water pathologies that who attack it. In order to solve this problem, we made use of qualitative and quantitative data collected from laboratory analyses, clinical field survey data, maps and documentary databases. The interpretation of the results of this brief allows us to say upstream that several conditions or factors of a biophysical and anthropogenic nature allow and influence the permanent establishment of water resources in this watershed. Water resources that are diverse in nature (rain, surface and underground) are therefore the result of these biophysical factors. These water resources become useful due to anthropogenic infrastructure, which takes the name of water supply sources. However, the lack of a public source of water supply in the watershed has led households to obtain supplies from alternative sources of access (natural spring, traditional well, drilling hydrant, river). However, these sources of water supply are not numerous enough and produce low volumes of water in relation to population density and not to mention a spatial disparity and other factors such as distance. These results then showed that the water collected and consumed by households in the watershed was of poor quality caused by the high presence of physic-chemical elements and pathogenic germs in this water taken from different sources of access to water in the watershed. This contamination comes from poor sanitation (sewage, excreta, and garbage), agro pastoral activities and also organic processes. Downstream, this contamination of water, especially by pathogenic germs, causes health risks manifested by pathologies of various water origin (cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhea, amoebiasis and helminthiasis) which, there are strong levels among households in terms of clinical and household data. This risk is accelerated by a variety of factors. Clearly, these results confirm the idea that a poor supply of good quality water by households in the Memi'i watershed is at the origin of water pathologies, a consequence of the high exposure to health risk. Key words:Water supply, watershed, water quality, health risk, water pathology, Memi'i. SOMMAIRE LISTE DES ACRONYMES ET SIGLES X PARTIE I : CONDITIONS BIOPHYSIQUES ET HUMAINES A L'APPROVISIONNEMENT DE L'EAU DANS LE BASSIN VERSANT DE MEMI'I 32 CHAPITRE I : ETUDE DES DETERMINANTS BIOPHYSIQUES A L'APPROVISIONNEMENT DE L'EAU DANS LE BASSIN VERSANT DE MEMI'I 33 CHAPITRE II : LES DETERMINANTS ANTHROPIQUES A L'APPROVISIONNEMENT EN EAU ET LES SOURCES D'APPROVISIONNEMENT EN EAU DANS LE BASSIN VERSANT DE MEMI'I 52 DEUXIEME PARTIE : AUTOPSIE DE QUALITE DE L'EAU ET EXPOSITION AUX RISQUES SANITAIRES DANS LE BASSIN VERSANT DE MEMI'I 76 CHAPITRE III : ETAT SUR LA QUALITE DE L'EAU CONSOMMEE DANS LE BASSIN VERSANT DE MEMI'I 77 CHAPITRE IV : LES PATHOLOGIES PRESENTES DANS LE BASSIN VERSANT DE MEMI'I : LA RELATION ETROITE ENTRE PATHOLOGIES HYDRIQUES ET EAU CONSOMMEE 103