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Formation des personnels de gestion du centre scolaire Tom & John en « gestion du temps et efficacité organisationnelle »

par Charlie Victoire FOPA
Université Senghor - Master II en gestion des systèmes éducatifs 2021

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Success in the Master II in management of educational systems, which specializes in the training of school directors, requires the conduct of a training project for educational managers at different levels of the education system. To meet this requirement, we met with the Director of Thom & John nursery and primary School, to obtain a mandate to train staff working at different levels of management of her school. The in-depth analysis of the context and needs resultedon the theme: Effective management of working time.

The following steps therefore made it easier to set up and carry out the training:

ï Analysis of the context and training needs,

ï The determination of goals and objectives,

ï Analysis of the training environment,

ï The choice of the training strategy,

ï The segmentation of courses into teaching units

ï Resource production and

ï The evaluation of the training

The training took place under very good conditions on September 24 and 25, 2020, in particular with the release of barriers measures due to the corona virus pandemic, and finally saw the adhesion of 14 participants. It should also be noted that the Director of the school did not relent on the means to make it successful.

The assessment was made at two levels: a satisfactory assessment which proved everyone's satisfaction, and an assessment of prior learning or transfer, which also, for the majority, demonstrated a remarkable level of competence with regard to previously defined objectives. As an observation, the participants expressed their wish to see such initiatives carried out regularly. We would also have loved to address other issues raised by the need's analysis carried out, unfortunately the time limit allocated to this Master program did not allow us to do so.


ï A mon épouse et à mes enfants pour leur soutien inconditionnel.

ï A L'AUF, pour l'opportunité au travers de l'allocation offerte dans le cadre de ce Master II GSE.

ï A mon encadreur, Richard CHARRON, pour les conseils et feedbacks prodigués durant toute la phase du projet professionnel et de rédaction de ce mémoire.

ï A Mme la Directrice du centre scolaire Thom & John, pour la confiance accordée et l'opportunité offerte, de renforcer les capacités de ses collaborateurs.

ï A tous les différents tuteurs, qui par leurs feedbacks constructifs ont participé à mon développement professionnel.

ï A mes collègues de promotion, pour tous les échanges et suggestions durant les travaux de groupe effectués dans le cadre ce Master.


Figure 1- Cycle Ingénierie de formation 2

Figure 2-Clarté des objectifs 37

Figure 3-Pertinence des contenus 38

Figure 4-Durée suffisante 38

Figure 5-Pertinence de la documentation 39

Figure 6-Méthodologie 40

Figure 7-Aide aux apprentissages 40

Figure 8- Maitrise des contenus 41

Figure 9- Climat crée dans le groupe 42

Figure 10- Qualité de la communication 42

Figure 11- Transfert des apprentissages 43

Figure 12- Utilisation prévue des connaissances et habiletés dans l'exécution du travail 43

Figure 13-repartition moyennes des participants 44

Figure 14-résultats évaluation sommative 46

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Là où il n'y a pas d'espoir, nous devons l'inventer"   Albert Camus