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Réponse de la culture du gombo (abelmoschus esculentus l.) à l'apport des biomasses fraiches de tithonia diversifolia (hemsley) a. gray à kalemiepar Schandrack NEMA KAPOKA Université de Kalemie - Ingénieur agronome 2016 |
ABSTRACTThe Democratic Republic of Congo is in general a greatly dependent country of other countries with regard to food. To fight against this situation of strong food dependence, several solutions are proposed, among which the intensification of the agricultural productions to the local level. The lack of soil fertility due to the exports by the cultures at the time of the harvest, to the erosions and washings entail a decrease of the outputs of the cultures. If the fertility of soil is weak, the cultures lose their rusticity and become therefore sensitive to the different illnesses. The present work title" Answer of the okra culture (Abelmoschusesculentus L.) to the contribution of the cool biomasses of Tithoniadiversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray in the climatic conditions of Kalemie" initiated by the Faculty of the Agronomic Sciences of the University of Kalemie. To arrive there, a test has been driven to the firm Amisi of the University of Kalemie to a middle altitude of 971m and to 05°48'44, 9 '' of longitude south, 29° 07'05, 8 and installed according to a device in randomized complete blocks. At the time of the experimentation, the vegetative parameters and those of output have been observed and their results have been analyzed in a statistical way (ANOVA). The treatments, in three repetitions, have been constituted of a witness (T0), of four levels of contribution of cool biomasses of Tithoniadiversifolia to know T2, T3, T4 and containing T5 respectively 10 t, 20 t, 30 t and 40 t of biomass of Tithoniadiversifolia by hectare; as well as of a contribution of manure mineral NPK 17-17-17and Urea 46% (T1). The gotten results showed that the most elevated output has been observed on the treatments having received 30 tons and the one having received 40 tons of biomass of Tithoniadiversifolia by hectare as organic manure, can be recommended in the out-of-town zone of Kalemie in a context of deterioration of soils and elevated price of the mineral manures. In the out-of-town zone of Kalemie, the contribution of the biomasses of Tithoniadiversifolia (30 t/hectare) as fertilizing would constitute a major asset for the growth of the gumbo outputs in a context of deterioration of soils and high price of mineral manures. Key words: Biomasse, Tithoniadiversifolia, Organic manure, Okra, Kalemie, EPIGRAPHE Erreur ! Signet non défini. LISTE DES SIGLES ET ABREVIATIONS III LISTE DES IMAGES ET TABLEAUX V Chapitre I. REVUE DE LA LITTERATURE 4 I.1. GENERALITES SUR LE GOMBO 4 I.1.2. COMPOSITION ET USAGES 4 I.1.3. DESCRIPTION SYSTEMATIQUE ET BOTANIQUE 5 I.1.5. EXIGENCES ECOLOGIQUES 7 I.1.6. TECHNIQUES CULTURALES 7 I.2. GENERALITES SUR LES ENGRAIS 16 I.2.1. DEFINITION ET IMPORTANCE 16 I.2.2. COMPOSITION DES ENGRAIS 16 I.2.3. UTILISATION DES ENGRAIS 17 I.2.4. SOURCES DES MATIERES ORGANIQUES 18 I.2.5. IMPACTS DES ENGRAIS SUR LES ETRES VIVANTS ET L'ENVIRONNEMENT 20 Chapitre II. MILIEU, MATERIELS ET METHODES 21 II. 1. 1. SITUATION GEOGRAPHIQUE ET CARTOGRAPHIQUE DU SITE 21 II.2.1. MATERIELS BIOLOGIQUES 22 II.3.1. DISPOSITIF EXPERIMENTAL ET TRAITEMENTS 23 II.3.2. CONDUITE DE L'ESSAI 24 II.4.1. PARAMETRES VEGETATIFS 26 II.4.2. PARAMETRES DE RENDEMENT 27 III.1. PARAMETRES VEGETATIFS 28 III.1.2. TAILLE DES PLANTES A 15 JOURS (cm) 29 III.1.3. TAILLE DES PLANTES A 30 JOURS (cm) 29 III.1.4. TAILLE DES PLANTES A 45 JOURS (cm) 30 III.1.5. TAILLE DES PLANTES A 60 JOURS (cm) 30 III.2. PARAMETRES DE RENDEMENT 31 III.2.1. NOMBRE DES FRUITS PAR PLANTE ET PAR RECOLTE 31 III.2.2. POIDS DE 100 FRUITS (g) 32 III.2.3. DIAMETRE DES FRUITS (cm) 32 III.2.4. LONGUEUR DES FRUITS (cm) 32 III.2.5. POIDS DES FRUITS A LA RECOLTE (g) 33 IV. 1. PARAMETRES VEGETATIFS 35 IV.2. PARAMETRES DE RENDEMENT 35 REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES 38