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à‰tude des déterminants des maladies hydriques chez les enfants de 0 a 5 ans. Cas de la zone de santé de Selembao.( Télécharger le fichier original )par Parfaite MBONGO MATEMBE Université pédagogique nationale - Licencié en Sciences de la Santé 2015 |
SUMMARYThe increasing prevalence and the incidence of the hydrous diseases will cause a stressing of the dependence and an increasing cost of the care for the patients and their families, if efforts of public health service aiming at preventing these pathologies are not met. In fact, we put ourselves the questions to know: - Which are the determinants of the hydrous diseases in the children of the age between 0 and 5 years in the zone of health of selembao? - Does q relation exist between the determinants of the diseases of hydrous origin and the socio-demographic profile of surveyed? Thus, we formulated that assumptions according to which: - The determinants of the hydrous disease in the children's of 0 - 5 years would be related to the socio-economic - The determinants of the hydrous diseases in a children's of 0 - 5 years would be related to the socio-economic, socio-cultural, political, environmental and socio-demographic conditions; - There would be a relation between the socio-demographic characteristics of surveyed and the determinants of the diseases of hydrous origin The objectives of this research are stated as follows: - To describe the socio-demographic characteristic of surveyed - To identify the determinants of the hydrous diseases in the children of 0 - 5 years - Target the most current pathologies of hydrous origin which the children of 0 - 5 years The methodology exploited in this study is that of investigation and the techniques of interview, observation and documentary where used with the assistance of a survey. The population of our study is consisted of the parents of the children from 0 - 5 years, from which, we collected information of the determinants of the hydrous diseases. The sampling of our research is not a probabilistic of reasoned choice type and its size has about 200 parents Our research led to these resultants: the highest proportions by age brackets of surveyed range between 20 - 30 years or 46, 5%. The level of study's dominated by 58,5 % of our subjects which have done secondary school. The majority of surveyed are housewives, 41,5%. The kind of water that the parents give to their children, 42,5 in percentage, followed by the water of bottle (39,5%) is happens unfortunately, that the parents slacken themselves in their effort to persevere in the prevention of the hydrous diseases, because they find tiresome to resort to certain means of water treatments for purpose of making drinking water so that they exist of consumption is non pathogenic. TABLE DES MATIERESLISTE DES ABREVIATION,SIGLES ET SYMBOLES V 0.5. INTÉRÊT DU SUJET DE L'ÉTUDE 2 0.6. DÉLIMITATION SPATIALE ET TEMPORELLE DE L'ÉTUDE 3 0.7. TYPE ET DOMAINE DE RECHERCHE 3 CHAPITRE I. REVUE DE LA LITTERATURE 4 I.1. DEFINITION DES CONCEPTS 4 I.1.6. EAU POLLUÉE OU SOUILLÉE 5 I.2. GENERALITES SUR LES MALADIES HYDRIQUES 5 I.2.2. TYPOLOGIES DES MALADIES HYDRIQUES 5 I.2.3. MICRO-ORGANISMES RESPONSABLES DES MALADIES HYDRIQUES 6 I.2.3.4. ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS 8 I.2.3.6. VERS ET oeUFS PARASITES 8 I.2.4. RÉPERCUSSIONS SOCIO-ÉCONOMIQUES DES MALADIES HYDRIQUES 9 I.2.6. EPIDÉMIOLOGIE DES MALADIES HYDRIQUES 10 I.2.7. NORMES SUR L'EAU POTABLE 11 I.2.9. LES DÉTERMINANTS DES MALADIES D'ORIGINE HYDRIQUE 12 I.3. ETUDES ANTÉRIEURES SUR LES DÉTERMINANTS DES MALADIES HYDRIQUES 13 I.3.1. ETUDE DE NTEMBUE MUAMBI (2013) 13 I.3.2. ETUDE DE TUBAYA BULELE(2007) 14 I.3.3. ETUDE DE LUKANGA MATOKA (2012) 15 I.4. CADRE DE REFERENCE THEORIQUE 16 I.5. SCHÉMA CONCEPTUEL DE DÉTERMINANTS DES MALADIES HYDRIQUE 17 CHAPITRE II : APPROCHE METHODOLOGIQUE 18 II.1. PRESENTATION DU MILIEU D'ETUDE 18 II.1.1. CADRE GÉOGRAPHIQUE DE LA ZS DE SELEMBAO 18 II.1.2. ESQUISSE HISTORIQUE 19 II.1.3. MISSION DE LA ZONE DE SANTÉ 19 II.1.4. STRUCTURE ET FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA ZONE DE SANTÉ DE SELEMBAO 19 II.1.5. LES STRUCTURES SANITAIRES ET ANALYSE STATISTIQUE DU PERSONNEL DE LA ZONE DE SANTÉ DE SELEMBAO EN 2015 20 II.1.6. RÉPARTITION DES AIRES DE SANTÉ DE LA ZS DE SELEMBAO ET SA POPULATION EN 2015 20 II.2. METHODOLOGIE DE L'ETUDE 20 II.2.3.1. TECHNIQUE DOCUMENTAIRE 21 II.2.3.2. TECHNIQUE D'OBSERVATION 21 II.2.3.4. QUESTIONNAIRE D'ENQUÊTE 22 II.2.3.5. VALIDITÉ DE L'INSTRUMENT 22 II.2.3.6. FIDÉLITÉ DE L'INSTRUMENT 22 II.2.4. POPULATION ET ÉCHANTILLONNAGE 23 II.2.4.3. CRITÈRES D'ADMISSIBILITÉ 23 II.2.4.4. DÉROULEMENT DE LA COLLECTE DES DONNÉES 23 II.2.4.5. DÉMARCHE PRÉLIMINAIRE 24 II.2.4.6. PRÉ-ENQUÊTE ET CONNAISSANCE DU TERRAIN 24 II.2.4.7. ENQUÊTE PROPREMENT DITE 24 II.2.4.8. PLAN DE TRAITEMENT ET D'ANALYSE DES DONNÉES 24 II.2.4.9. CRITÈRE D'ACCEPTABILITÉ DES RÉSULTATS 25 II.2.5. CONSIDÉRATIONS D'ORDRE ÉTHIQUE 25 II.3. DIFFICULTÉS RENCONTRÉES 25 CHAPITRE III : RESULTATS ET DISCUSSION 26 III.1. ANALYSE DESCRIPTIVE MONOVARIEE 26 III.1.2. DESCRIPTION DES CARACTÉRISTIQUES SOCIODÉMOGRAPHIQUES DES ENQUÊTÉS 26 III.2. ANALYSE STATISTIQUE BI VARIEE 35 II.2. DISCUSSION DES RESULTATS 43