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La mise en oeuvre de la convention-cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques au Cameroun: cas du mécanisme pour un développement propre( Télécharger le fichier original )par Janvier NGWANZA OWONO Université catholique d'Afrique centrale - Master Droits de l'homme et action humanitaire 2008 |
Mots clésMise en oeuvre - Droit international de l'environnement - Changements climatiques - Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques - Protocole de Kyoto - Mécanismes de flexibilités - Mécanisme pour un développement propre - Cameroun - Effectivité - Cadre juridique. SUMMARYOver the past two decades, the key question of climate change has become an increasing concern for the international community, wich has taken measures to combat it. Therefore, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992, ratified by Cameroon on 19th October 1994. Then, a major Protocol to that Convention was adopted in December 1997, to which Cameroon adhered on 23th July 2002. Actuallty, the Kyoto Protocol imposes to states parties a series of common but differentiated obligations. The richest countries are subjected to constraining reduction or limitation targets in greenhouse gases emissions. The participation of developing countries is encouraged and facilitated both via financial measures (including resource allocation and technology transfer), and a market-based Flexible Mechanism, namely the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The CDM's ambition is to help industrialized countries lower the implementation's costs of their own climatic targets, by financing or carrying out projects of emissions limitation in developing countries. While these latter are also being prepared to accomodate projects likely to contribute to their sustainable development. The analysis of CDM's implementation in Cameroon reveals an effectivity at two levels: in terms of law with a dedicated legal framework ; second, in practical terms trough important achievements, namely CDM projects sustained both by state authorities and private groups. Despite such an effectivity however, the CDM's implementation in Cameroon faces a certain number of difficulties. These difficulties particularly relate to insufficient expertise and the lack of sensitization in projects elaboration. It is suggested that an appropriate resolution of these problems would come from the reinforcement of national actors' capacities and the improvement of CDM National committee's influence, as well as the existing legal framework. Key words Implementation - International environmental law - climate change - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Kyoto Protocol - Flexible Mechanisms - Clean Development Mechanism - Cameroon - Effectivity - Legal framework. SOMMAIRE PREMIERE PARTIE : L'EFFECTIVITE DE LA MISE EN OEUVRE DU MDP AU CAMEROUN 14 CHAPITRE I : UNE MISE EN OEUVRE JURIDIQUE PROPICE 16 Section 1 : Le cadre juridique international 17 Section 2 ; Le cadre juridique interne 27 CHAPITRE II : DES REALISATIONS CONSEQUENTES 36 Section 1 : Les initiatives de projet 37 Section 2 : La contribution des institutions publiques et privés 39 SECONDE PARTIE : LA PREGNANCE DES DIFFICULTES LIMITANT LA MISE EN OEUVRE DU MDP AU CAMERROUN 44 CHAPITRE I : LA CONSTANCE DES DIFFICULTES 46 Section 1 : L'insuffisance d'expertise pour l'élaboration des projets MDP 47 Section 2 : Le manque de sensibilisation sur l'élaboration des projets MDP 49 CHAPITRE II : LE SOLUTIONNEMENT DES DIFFICULTES 53 Section 1 : Le renforcement des capacités des acteurs nationaux 54 Section 2 : L'intervention des pouvoirs publics à l'amélioration du rôle du Comité National MDP et au renforcement du cadre juridique existant 59 |