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Relations Internationales
Ocean grabbing: a threath to food security in Sierra Leone
Sophia Camélia Ghrair
Université Paris 13 - Villetaneuse - M1 Relations et Echanges Internationaux 2019
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I. Self-sufficiency: Sierra Leone's response to food insecurity
1. A historical return and state of play of Sierra Leone
2. The impact of the 2007 global food crisis in Sierra Leone
a. The causes and consequences
b. The government's efforts and their results
3. Sierra Leone's self-sufficiency policy
a. Sierra Leone's rice dependence
b. The strategy of self-sufficiency
II. The state of food security in Sierra Leone: questioning the concept of
III. Food security: multiple definitions and the necessity for a multilevel governance
1. The evolution of the concept of food security
a. The different approaches that shaped the concept of food security
b. The 1996 World Food Summit: a turning point
2. The components and targets of the concept of food security a. Four pillars and three trends
i. The four pillars model
3. Food security: Sierra Leone and the multi-level governance a. Global governance
Conclusion of the first part
PARTIE II - Fishery: a lead in improving food security and alleviate
I. Fishery in Sierra Leone: between potential and contribution
1. Fishery a profitable sector
a. Fishery: high economic potential lacking the infrastructure to thrive
b. The pivotal role of small scale fishery
c. Foreign-investments oriented policy
2. The necessity of a sustainable approach to fishery
a. Economic growth and sustainability
b. The government's efforts toward sustainable fisheries
II. Fishery, nutrition and income: focus on small-scale fisheries
1. Poverty alleviation through fishery activities
a. Concepts surrounding poverty
b. Sustainable fishery and poverty
2. Small-scale fisheries
3. Highly nutritious and important for vulnerable households
III. The governance of fishery: an accumulation of standards, treaties and agreements
1. The international and regional governance of fisheries
2. The local governance of fishery in Sierra Leone: a clear framework
Conclusion of the second part
PARTIE III - The mechanisms of Ocean Grabbing
I. Ocean Grabbing: discourses and reality
1. Ocean grabbing: definition and consequences
2. The role of institutions
II. Blue growth: the fine line between business and ocean grabbing
III. The issue of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
1. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing: consequences and response to a widespread practice
2. How rules are bent: lack of compliance and legal loopholes
3. The efforts introduced to combat IUU
a. The global response to IUU fishing
b. Regional efforts towards ending IUU
IV. The violation of the right to food
1. The concept of right to food: a comprehensive definition
2. The recognition and obligations related to the concept of the right to food
a. The recognition of the concept: a step towards achieving food security
i. The United Nation: the pioneer of the concept
b. The State' obligations
3. Governance of the right to food
a. Monitoring mechanisms
b. Regional and international monitoring mechanisms
Conclusion of the third part
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Milan Kundera