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Ocean grabbing: a threath to food security in Sierra Leone

par Sophia Camélia Ghrair
Université Paris 13 - Villetaneuse - M1 Relations et Echanges Internationaux 2019

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2. The local governance of fishery in Sierra Leone: a clear framework

The current framework originated in 2007 when the MFMR decided to revamp the former Fishery Policy of Sierra Leone 2003 (GoSL 2003). This ambition led to the creation of the Institutional Support for Fisheries Management Project (ISFM) in cooperation with the EU and Institute of Marine Biology and oceanography (IMBO). The ISFM in consultation with all kinds of stakeholders drafted a number of policies that assembled became the current framework. Policy and Operational Framework for Fisheries of Sierra Leone is the current reference document for fishery management in Sierra Leone. The main focus is the sustainable management of marine resources with the objective of reducing poverty by creating wealth and improving food security especially for SSF (GoSL 2010). With this new framework the


government of Sierra Leone reoriented its approach from «production-oriented and technology-driven» (Neiland, et al. 2016) to a sustainability and development approach, matching the global impetus. The government of Sierra Leone hopes to promote sustainable practices amongst the fishing community and coupled with better governance generate substantial profit in order to reach its goal of improving the overall food security and reduction of poverty. The new framework of fisheries is regarded as largely coherent with clear-cut and straightforward objectives. However, concerns are raised about the integration within the same framework of artisanal and industrial fishing.


The accumulation of documents dedicated to the governance of fisheries at all levels of governance creates a global blur set of regulations that is hardly implemented at national level. Sierra Leone's MFMR remains heavily limited by its little logistical resources and therefore is unable to implement and enforce policies established in cooperation with the FAO or RFB. While the national framework for fisheries management is clearly designed corruption cripples the proper functioning of the institutions and the government remains unable to manage the natural resource with transparency.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il existe une chose plus puissante que toutes les armées du monde, c'est une idée dont l'heure est venue"   Victor Hugo