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Ocean grabbing: a threath to food security in Sierra Leonepar Sophia Camélia Ghrair Université Paris 13 - Villetaneuse - M1 Relations et Echanges Internationaux 2019 |
Conclusion of the third partOcean grabbing is perpetrated differently and at all level of governance. Even though discourses offered to West African countries are appealing and seem to suggest the perfect balance between sustainability and profit, ocean grabbing operates contradictorily. Initiatives like blue growth offer a way to sustainably manage marine resources while profiting off of them while they in fact facilitate the process of fish stocks depletion. Weak governance and lack of will to enforce fundamental rights further threaten fisherfolks. Already vulnerable communities are deprived of their access and availability of natural resources and fall into food insecurity and severe poverty. In Sierra Leone IUU is particularly concerning as foreign vessels often violates IEZ, damaging sea beds and overfishing closest to the shore where small scale fisherfolks can only fish. As small-scale fisheries represent 80% of the fishing sector, protecting and promoting small scale fisheries seems to be the more adequate way to go. Unfortunately, even if the government recognizes the important role of SSFs, in particular in recent PRSP, the country decided to give priority to the development of the small private sector and promote foreign investment. 64 CONCLUSIONAfter becoming an example of post-conflict recovery Sierra Leone was unfortunately faced with multiple hurdles but showed to this day resilience in achieving poverty reduction and food security. The challenges that the new president has to undertake are important and will demonstrate the ability of the new government to do better than its predecessors. The major obstacle remains governance. A better governance coupled with involvement and participation of small scale stakeholders will allow for more adequate and tailor-made policies, which will boost the fishery sector and help achieve poverty reduction and food security. Unfortunately, even when SSFs seems to be the government's first concern, it has operated in fact in favour of the development of its small private and industrial sector. The financial benefits generated from it are larger and more quickly obtained through fishing licences. This shift of concern is putting small scale fisherfolks in a more vulnerable position when they are the ones supporting the fishery sector. Poor governance partly allowed for ocean grabbing to happen on Sierra Leone's coasts, depriving small scale fisherfolks of their mean of subsistence. The corruption and leniency of operators in charge of monitoring and preventing all forms of ocean grabbing is contributing to the phenomenon. Combined with the lack of willingness to enforce and expressively recognize fundamental rights, the government is also responsible for ocean grabbing. Narratives supporting blue growth, a dangerously misleading initiative that perpetrates ocean grabbing by allowing overfishing while promoting sustainability and profit. By stripping fisherfolks of their main mean of protein source ocean grabbing is threating the food security of Sierra Leoneans who are already dependant on rice, a staple food that is becoming increasingly expensive. In the face of government decisions that are in complete disagreement with the promises and plans made in the PRSPs, their livelihoods of coastal communities are disappearing with their traditions. As a result, they fall into food insecurity and poverty which form a vicious circle that is difficult to leave. It is the mechanisms of ocean grabbing facilitated by the government inability to support SSF that threatens their food security and by extension the food security of all Sierra Leoneans. The development of inland fishery and aquaculture offers a way to balance the depletion of marine fish. But its benefits are limited to the state of infrastructures without which the access of inland fish is difficult. The combination of rice and aquaculture could represent another 65 solution to the growing demand of fish and rice, therefore offering more domestically produced staple foods. The development of aquaculture in coastal areas could relieve the domestic pressure on marine resources and allow for regeneration to complete its natural course. Nevertheless, aquaculture and inland fishery do not offer a way to put a stop to ocean grabbing in the form of foreign vessels illegally fishing in Sierra Leoneans waters. 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