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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The problem thus posed in this work is that of dimensioning, of the design of the cross sectional profile of a roadway in urban area and of its impact on the output, on the functioning of the section road to consider.

It is therefore question of proposing a dimensioning which depend on the frequency of use, on function of an urban road way and neighboring social activity; of knowing how to organize, to set out distribution of a roadway (numbers of ways, installations to be brought) in order to make it practical according to the zone of localization and the time period considered, especially when it is known that the urban environment in Cameroon is characterized by a remarkable disorder.

In fact, for any road study:

· The alignment is a sight in plan of the highway design (the center line of highway, various widths) in its environment support. It is composed of a succession of segment of right-hand side (general alignments) connected by curves which are either of the clothoïdes or of the circles or a combination of both (clothoïdes and circles)

· The longitudinal section is a cut carried out longitudinally along the axis of the road (defined by the alignment) and perpendicular to the original ground. It consists of a succession of slopes and slopes connected by circular or parabolic elements and is conceived after the final choice of the alignment  

· The cross sectionof a road is represented by the layout of the roadway and the original ground on an orthogonal vertical plan with the center line of highway. In other words, it is a cut perpendicular to the center line of highway and original ground (on the longitudinalprofile). It gives as other information, the various dimensions of original ground, projects, the gauge (width of the road), etc.  

Thus, talking of cross sectional profile for a road project mean to integrate these three defined terms because the study of the cross sectional profile of a road could not be isolated from the longitudinalprofilewhich itself is dependent on alignmentof this road.

But, the problem as posed up will treat mainly dimensioning of the gauge, of the width of the roadway. In fact, throughout our document, we will speak about cross sectional profile with regard to the distribution, the number of ways and dimensions which comprise the roadway itself and various installations which can be annexed there in order to improve its effectiveness.


Our study isinfluenced by a contextin which Cameroon fixed itself as objective to be an emergent country at horizon 2035. The reaching of this major goal will be done by the achievement of multiple secondary or specific objectives as presented in the DSCE, in particular those having link with the urban development such:

· The development of the urban infrastructures (construction of 150 km roadway system and construction of 17000 social housing),

· The maintenance and the rehabilitation of the urban infrastructures,

· Improvement of the access to the basic urban services,

· Control of the occupation of the ground,

· The protection of the vulnerable social groups and,

Thus, the urban development being made mainly by creation, equipment and the maintenance of the road infrastructure, it is therefore in this spirit that the DSCE envisages a number of km of urban roadway systems built since 2010 which will pass to 63 km in 2015 to 150 km in 2020.This urban growth will inevitably be done by the means of an increase in urban population (estimates making state of a rate of urbanization of 57,3% in 2020 according to the DSCE), and thus, of important urban displacements.

However, in this policy of the improvement of the frame of life on the national territory in general and in the various urban centers in particular, how to boost or how to improve the output of our cities which are not very productive with the sight of the multiple problems to which they face such as difficulties of installation of effective and durable transport system, the problems of traffic jam, etc.? In order to bring a solution to these problems, we propose to focus throughout this work on the installation of the roadway system which ascertains to be the structure carrying the urban development. How to improve the characteristics of the roads in our cities in order to improve their productivity? Which is the impact of the profile across a road in urban environment?  

 Such are the various questions which found the justification of the choice of the present thesis.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit."   La Rochefoucault