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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Just like it was underlined in the heading of this thesis, we will attach throughout this work to seek if the profile across a roadway in urban environment has an impact on its output.

The aim had here is that of presentingthe importance of the hierarchisation of the roadway network system of a city and the impact of its presence or absence on the functioning of the town. Indeed space being one of the major factors or the most important limiting factor of urban environment growth's, it is question of building roads allowing to evacuate a more or less important flow of vehicles and this with an optimal width because if the road is narrow, the evacuated flow is reduced and it is the function, the utility of the road which is called into question; on another side, if the road is too broad, the economic and socialaspects are the problems because of the costs of construction, of the operations of expropriations, compensations and displacements of the bordering populations.

The present study finds all its importance in the fact that it makes it possible to show the narrowness relation existing between the category of a way in urban environment, its width and its output. All this having for finality a profit so much on the financial plan, sedentary and social when designing and/or the refitting urban roads by the various competent services. Thus, instead of increasing a road independently of his category or his localization, we could either make particular lay out or to organize it better, which would make it possible to make important financial profits or then if necessary to precede any enlarging or installation work by a study of traffic in order to estimate and to envisage the efficiency of the aforesaid work.


What is the impact of the type of a cross sectional profile of a road in a urban zones area?

This main research question intends to answer the following specific research questions:

· Does the categorization of a roadway system of an urban area have an importance?

· Does the cross sectional profile, the width of a road and the various installations that it has, change its functionality in the urban area?


It is reminded that throughout our study we will limit ourselves to road infrastructures in urban environment. Indeed the hypothesis on which the present report will be based is the following one: the type of the cross sectional profilesof a roadway on urban zone have an impact on the output of the aforesaid road.

· The categorization of a roadway system of an urban area has an importance.

· The cross sectional profile, the width of a road and the various installations that it has, can change its functionality in the urban area.


The main objective of this study is to present the impact of the cross sectional profile, the width of a roadway on the efficiency of a road in urban environment

In order to ensure this study, meet its purpose, the specific objectives are:

· To underline and to present the importance of the hierarchisation of the lanes in an urban environment, then we will list the various parameters entering the process of hierarchisation of a lane in urban environment.

· Present a standard cross sectional profile, a width of a road and various installations that can change its functionality in the urban area. By-there, we intend to define for example, a number of ways having each one a precise function and according to the case allocated with a particular traffic (private cars, exclusive right of way, two wheels, etc.); once this traffic, this use to determine, we will allow ourselves to propose a dimensioning, a standard structure to adopt.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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