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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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3.3.4. Factors influencing the quality of the road studies

The taking into account of safety in phase of design of the road infrastructures is subjected to certain constraints which put at evil the quality of the studies carried out.

· Budgetary restrictions: The taking into account of safety often imposes an increase in the level of installation of the road (enlarging of the radii of curvature, reduction of the declivities, indication and more important safety equipment, etc.), which creates additional costs thus increasing the financial expenses that the country supports which is most of the time borrower for the projects, and which return occasion consequently the less profitable project.

· The level of priority of safety in the road design: One of the difficulties at present in the realization of the road studies resides in the terms of reference, because those do not impose in a clear and precise way technical constraints related to safety at the Technical Research departments (Study Bureau) and the Companies of realization.

· The dispersion of the made efforts: The intervenants in the road safety are divided in various sectors, but each one carries out by her side the fight against the road insecurity, and thus certain actors go sometimes until being opposed between them by creating problems which harm the good behavior of the studies. The absence of a structure responsible for the road safety charged to coordinate the action of the various protagonists raised previously in the analysis of the organizational device is to be regretted because of inoperationnality of the inter-ministerial committee set up.

· Negligence of the economic impact of the accidents in the evaluation of the projects of road infrastructures

It is necessary to rise that at present, the evaluation of the projects of road infrastructures does not take sufficiently counts of it the profit which the reduction of the number of accidents could generate on a road. Indeed, within the framework of the evaluation, this profit should be put in connection with the cost of the complementary investments to implement to more guarantee safety, this in order to adopt the most advantageous solution, and economically most profitable in the long term. It is about a criterion which could be integrated in a formal way in the appreciation of the road projects.

On the ground, one belongs to installations generating of the behaviors at the risk or having consequences on the gravity of the accidents. These configurations must be proscribed.

The multiplication of the points of conflicts in a crossroads is one of the examples. One finds this design defect in several crossroads of Yaoundé. They are insuperable small islands of form mainly triangular which corresponded to one moment given to an installation, but which was not adapted to the new circulation terms. These small islands, which authorizes to practice without «prohibited direction», call into question the principle of skirting by the line of an obstacle and especially multiply the points of potential conflicts. This is why this configuration differently indicated by «Bennett small island» is proscribed in many countries. One finds this installation with the crossroads EtoaMeki, Coron, Cami-Toyota, MvogMbi, Ngousso where the left-hand turns are not any not simplified.

It should be noted that new installations, if they allow raised speeds, can unfortunately induce accidents with the pedestrians, therefore serious accidents.

Thus the Préfecture exchanger includes/understands it weaving lanes which can encourage at the velocity emission of crossroads and the end of which crossings for pedestrians were marked. This configuration of mixture between characteristics perceived like highway and local life is source of accidents.

Most interesting information of accidentology is information which one can locate. The observation of the behaviors is information source on the non-observance of the rules (in particular that of the indication of tricolor fires or the STOP). For this purpose, dust (as snow in the Scandinavian countries) is also useful for us to distinguish spaces circulated from uncommon spaces in a complex, vast crossroads or in current section of a large artery.

In the same way, the visit on the ground with the agents constatateurs proves to be more enriching and makes it possible for example to detect minor roads which drain a district and whose outlet on the main road is carried out under bad conditions. 

The central police station n°4 evokes the sector of Mvan, which is logical because we are at the exit of the city, on one of the most attended arteries. Speeds are increased and the entries and exits of the perilous and non made-up bordering properties. This axis should imperatively be the subject of a thorough study of road safety.

At other places, it is the excess of indication which devalues indication, or rather a bad choice of the mode of priority in crossroads. Thus in a crossroads lately arranged, it was placed a STOP on the file of the left-hand turn, concomitantly with a STOP on the minor road. As this STOP is not respected, because unsuited to this place, they are all the STOP around which is some devalued, as if one could cross any STOP without risk with impunity.

Figure11: Example of a multiplicity of small islands and useless use of a STOP

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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