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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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3.3.3. Infrastructural factor

It is the factor on which a local government agency can influence, and by there, influence the human factor, by the control speeds practiced in particular. The user makes a reading of the borrowed way and it adapts its behavior, sometimes in a perfectible way, with the crossed environment. Also one does not arrange a street like a highway, because one does not circulate there in the same way.

The report of the national mission details very well, for a community which arranges the ways, the risks of fight against the accidents in these installations. We have then illustrated this very important point for examples of problems raised in Yaoundé without denying all the completed work for several years and which gives partly satisfaction.

The design of the roads is subjected to standards varying according to the countries. In Cameroun, the standards used are the French standards. When these standards are scrupulously respected and sufficiently explicit, road installations for the users (markings, indication, automatic measurements of deceleration, etc.), they can have a positive incidence on the behaviors. However failures in the technical design can have negative incidences on the behavior of the users, because rather causing additional difficulties in circulation (absence of markings, bad or misses indication of the obstacles, etc.) These failures increase the accident risks of circulation and thus expose more the road users.

Design of the roads in Cameroun present in several cases the defects which contribute to the accident risk. These defects very often result:

· Bad design of the crossroads,

· Not taken into account of the agreement between the alignment and the profile longitudinally of the road,

· Not taken into account of the heterogeneity of the traffic, variable speeds, and attractivity of the road,

· Of a design allowing a great disparity with regard to practiced speeds and the types of vehicles.

There exist many accidentogenes places isolated or gathered along the roads. These places often remain without treatment leading thus to other traffic accidents in these same places. With regard to the safety equipment, certain aspects of the design must be followed with a certain attention:

· The material constituting the safety equipment: The originators were sometimes led to the choice of the rigid material equipment such as the concrete (control panels out of concrete, concrete slides, etc.) in order to reduce the maintenance costs of the aforesaid equipment. However, this choice was made with the detriment of safety users, because by privileging the longevity of a control panel by the choice of the concrete like constitutive material, one exposes the vehicles which, in the event of shock with the panel, find themselves seriously damaged (the panel which cannot absorb the shock), and consequently the passengers seriously wounded. That goes in the opposition even to the goal of the safety device which is rather judicious to protect them from the accidents.

· Specifications concerning the safety equipment to be set up: II is not rare that on the works of art built in urban environment, one finds for example parapets having horizontal elements of cross-piece. These elements thus laid out create a scale effect making it possible to the pedestrians (especially with the children) to span the parapets, and this with the danger of their life.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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