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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


4.1. Recall of the working hypotheses.

The starting point of this work was a rather simple and alleviating statement: the cross sectional profile adopted for a road has an impact on the efficiency of this road in urban environment. In order to be able to bring answers to this question, we have begun researches which have deviate from this starting assumption. Now, the question around which our work was going to articulate was:what is the impact, the importance of the hierarchisation of the highway network in an urban area? Differently summarize, this new assumption, bases of our work would be of knowing what is the importance of the function of the roadway system on its form (width) in urban environment. This new question having been directed by a rather favorable context general that by its rather relevant problems, the second phase at which we had arrived (after the determination of this question) was to carry out a review of the literature which would be articulated around the urban roadway network in particular on its design, its function and its organization.

In this part, through the various articles, documents and theses consulted, we presented the elements on which former work had dwelt too long in particular on the design of the urban roadway system, its various functions and how to organize it in order to make it efficient.

In order to be able to confront our assumption with reality, we should consequently carry out the development, the design of a model. However, at the time of the investigations of data acquisition, it was brought back to us the availability of a document: Elaboration du plan de déplacementUrbains de la ville de Yaoundé, which was worked out in 2010 by the grouping Louis Berger/Beta Consult.

We thus decided to use the data and results of investigations contained in this document and this because of quality (detailed and veracious) of the data and of their relatively recent age (5 years from 2010 to 2015).

This forced us to re-examine the model checking of the assumption that we had fixed ourselves at the beginning. It is thus as in order to be able to conform us to this news gives, we would base on the document referred to above more precisely we would adapt our assumptions has those which were formulated in this document. Thus our new models will relate to:

· The legibility and functionality of the plan of the city and this through data on the quantitative and the qualitative roadway network system of the town of Yaoundé;

· Thefunctioning of the transport system of the city through a model of simulation of traffic.

· The road safety through a simulation of the conditions being able to lead to a confrontation.

Once these various modelsadopted, it was a question for us to pass to the presentation of the results of the investigations on site in order to be able to confirm or to refute our basic hypothesis.

Thus at the end of this exercise, this reveals that the hierarchisation of the roadway network system in an urban environment has indeed a rather important impact on the aforementioned environment.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hand of governments. We can't take it violently, out of the hands of governments, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop ..."   Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992) en 1984