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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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1.5. Hierarchisation ofroadways in urban environment

The conclusion at which we arrives according to a study of STRANSKY (1995), is that the behavior of a motorist, which can result in speed that it practices on an axis given, is influenced by the elements of the surrounding visual scene and thus can force it to adopt changes. From this assertion, it results from it that speed practiced on a way is function of the installation of this way. Thus, it appears for reasons of functionalities, safety and economy, useful to adapt each section of roads during its construction or of its requalification to the function awaited from this one (influence of the function on the form): from where concept of hierarchisation of the ways in urban environment. 

Indeed, it is at the time of Chatre of Athens in 1933(CORBUSIER, 1957)which one really starts to grant an importance to the adaptation of the road to the car. And due, this one did not correspond any more to the old characteristics of the street as well by its new geometrical characteristics, mechanics as by its speed.

 The «rule of the 7V» is one of the first rules of hierarchisation which was formalized by UNESCO in 1948(d'ARCIER, 1992, p. 27). It consists of:

V.1: national road or of province crossing the country or the continents

V.2: municipal, standard creation of arteries essential for an agglomeration

V.3: held primarily for mechanical circulations, they do not have a pavement; no door of houses or buildings opens on them. Regulating fires of colors are laid out the every four hundred meters, thus allowing the vehicles a considerable speed. V.3 has as a consequence, a modern creation of town planning: the sector.

V.4: the commercial street of sector

V.5: penetrating in the sector, it drives the vehicles and the pedestrians to the doors of the houses, with the assistance of V.6

V.7: feeding all with length the green zone sees where are the schools and the sports.

V.8 came since, channeling the bicycles. 

By what precedes, it appears that the hierarchisation of the roadway system in urban environment does not date nowadays and wants to be to be a means of representing a network of ways starting from several beforehand definite criteria. It is a tool for analysis, meeting a need for classification and organization of the network of circulation. It can also be useful during the programming of installations, to which it is used as reference(CERTU, 2008). It thus makes it possible to obtain profits in terms of safety, in particular by a greater coherence between classes of ways and thus by a better legibility of the network for the users. Nowadays, the possible forms of hierarchisation many according to whether one is in urban environment or are perished urban.

For the ways in urban environment, the forms of hierarchisation are more complex. Thuswe have a hierarchisationwhichcanbe:

· Functional according to the type of connection, for example: primary ways (structuring), secondary (distribution), tertiary sector (service road);

· By typology according to the influence of the way in a logic of urban development (urban fast tracks, boulevards, avenues, streets...) ;

· By typology of way according to the nature of the bordering frame (in withdrawal, alignment, height...);

· By typology according to the social practices (local life, places emblematic...) ;

· By an analysis multicriterion integrating the multiple uses and needs for public space.

Hierarchisation rests more and more on the taking into account of two principal functions: the function «circulation» which milked with the flow that can run out the way, and the function «local life» which is concerned with impacts that the road has on the traversed environment. It is thus question here of safety of the residents.

One defines the class of way according to the preponderance granted to such or such function. The characteristics desired for these classes must correspond to the objectives initially envisaged in the documents of city planning namely: share roadway system, development of the alternative means of transport, safety of the users.

Today with the example of the European countries, Germany in particular, a hierarchy resting on two great levels is usually advised with:

· main roads where the circulatory function is dominating on the function local life. The organization of space on these ways is structured in theory (crossroads, crossed pedestrians...);

· zones with alleviated circulation, generalized on most of the urban territory, but also of the zones of meeting and surfaces pedestrians, to privilege the local life and to ensure the safety of the various uses of the network, by moderating speeds and by eliminating the parasitic traffics in these zones.

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