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Impact of the type of the cross sectional profile on urban zones road

University of Bamenda (ENSET Bambili)  - DIPET II (Diplome de Professeur de l'enseignement Technique II e grade)  0000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.4. Various categories of ways in urban environment

The junction between the two criteria enumerated upper will thus make it possible to distinguish four categories of ways:

· Access roads to the agglomeration built for the through traffics such the interpolate connections which have origins and/or external destinations with the agglomeration and which are consequently, the privileged field of the car.

These axes, for their integration and the prospects which they offer, can cover two categories:

o Highway axes or with highway matters of which the characteristics can allow a high speed of about 90 to 130 km/h. These ways have characteristics such the need for installation of the grade-separated junctions, the prohibition of access to the bordering populations and a parking being carried out except roadway system (out of the roadway thus on verges envisaged for this purpose and named emergency lanes).

o The structuring ways (insub urbanzone) on which the functional relationships to the environment are restored. Coherence in installations on these ways ensures safety, fluidity and location: Speed is limited and the crossings are made possible by the installation of fires and the plates of crossings.

· Loop lines which protect the heart of the agglomeration and the other secondary centers: they have as a function to protect the urban centres from parasitetraffic and to connect between them axes of penetration. These ways offers a time-saver for the exchange and through traffic while releasing the centers of the agglomeration of any additional and useless traffic. Their installation is completely integrated into urban infrastructure; speed is restricted there with a limit lower than the access roads to the agglomeration. On these ways, the principal characteristic is the optimal research of the fluidity of circulation.

The installation of the crossroads between the loop lines and the penetrating ones are paramount. To encourage with the use of skirtings, it would also be necessary to offer a good legibility to the crossroads and to set up an effective marking out.

· Ways of penetration towards the centers which will have to support constraints arranged hierarchically according to the density of the crossed middle: The local life on these ways becomes more perceptible. «Generators» of displacements (trade, services and public equipment) fit bit by bit in the urban infrastructure. The soft modes can be present, but the place of the motorized vehicles prevails. Dimensions will have to thus be generous for the motorized vehicles, but the characteristics of these ways (bordering accesses very few, restriction of side parking...) would not make economic a speed limit to 30 km/h. One can classify in this category certain avenues and important ways inter districts as well as the majority of the ways of zones of activities.

· Access roads intern with the various communes or constituent districts the agglomeration. With this scale, the roadway system is regarded as being a public space where a balance between the circulatory functions and local life must prevail (cohabitation between the various users). The description of the stakes showed that a limitation to 30 km/h constitutes a good compromise between the motorized traffic flow, the safety of the pedestrians, cyclists and the quality of the frame of life in the districts. This typology of installation can apply to a very broad range of ways: service roads of residential district, ways of retail parksand streets of downtown area where bordering activities (trade, services, tourism...) a frequentation important pedestrian and cyclist induce. She can also have the aim of dissuading the through traffics when those have more adapted alternative routes.

Figure 1: Dendritic structure in a surface.

Source: MANDELBROT, B. The fractal Geometry of Nature, W.H. Freeman, New York, 1983

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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