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Willingness to pay of the notability for local leadership empowerment in the ngweshe chiefdom

Université catholique de Bukavu - Licencié en Economie rurale  2018

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

I.2. Notable

«Notable» is an old concept whose sence has changed depending to the variability of governance and eras. A very broad and recent consideration of the concept «notable» recognizes notables, within social groups, as personnalities of a supposedly important rank, destined to have particular ascendancy and a dominating influence on the other members of the society. The concept of Notable is therefore inseparable from that of social hierarchy; sometimes they can be personnalities to which the population spontaneously recognizes a particular importance which distinguishes them from others.4(*)People are notable owing to public responsibility, accomplishment or, even mere participations in the celebrity industry.» (The Leverson enquiry, 2012).

The concept appeared in the history in Gaules (France) in the post evolution as leaders of municipalities.Hence appeared a class of local regime replacing the notability and bourgeoisie. Charles (1997) support that in the area, a notable was defined considering the nature of their social; economic and political resources that he held within the configuration of a particular political regime. But during the independence, for instance Morocco, but alsoin the former running colonization, public authorities have consolidated one category of leader in particular: the traditional notable; a designation based on ethnic and lineage affiliation in political mobilization (Tozy, 2009). The traditional notable asserted his legitimacy on his direct relationship with agents of the state, on a large land property (obtained by inheritance and/or because one of the redistribution of the lands of the colonists by the independent state) and on other resources distributed by the state such as grants.

I.3. Chieftaincy

According to Bob-Milliar (2009), chieftaincy is defined as «an indigenous system of governance with executive, juridical and legislative powers». There are various forms of traditional rulership found in Africa prior to colonialism (Boakye and Béland, 2018). The literature pins various kinds of rulership through different district styles described as chieftaincy (Boakye and Béland, 2018). However, the kind of power they exercises remains totally different.

The term chieftaincy or chief was a creation of colonial administrators (Bob-Milliar, 2009) who allowed definable titles to the traditional leaders they met - chiefs and warrant - for the purpose of making categories within their administrative structure (Boakye and Béland, 2018).

* 4

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King