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Valeurs énergétiques et nutritionnelles de recettes traditionnelles algériennes pour nourrissons et fréquences de leurs préparation par les mères.

Université Ahmed Ben Bella ORAN  - Master en nutrition et pathologies  2018

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The aim of this study was to estimate the energy and nutritional values of traditional Algerian recipes for infants on the one hand, and their frequency of preparation by mothers on the other hand.

A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted with mothers on the feeding of their infants (Girls/Boys: 30/30), with a mean age of 15 #177; 8 months. Current weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) were measured. Any infant older than 4 months and having started complementary feeding was included in this study. Each mother was interviewed using a questionnaire to evaluate certain infantscharacteristics, the socio-economic level of each family, and infant feeding. Several traditional recipes have been described and their energy and nutritional values have been estimated, using the food composition table of Souci et al., (2000). The preparation frequency of the traditional recipes by the mothers was determined. This work evaluated and collected all information on infant feeding, breastfeeding, information source of infantcomplementaryfeeding, and food balance meals, as well as, awaken them to tastes and different flavors, such as fruits and vegetables, starchy foods, white meat which was the favored type of mothers. Egg and fish were brought in the majority of them. Dairy products, as cheese and yogurt,were taken twice or more times a day. Nineteen traditional Algerian recipes for infants were divided as vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, semolina recipes, based on vermicelli,meat and fish, and finally deserts. Eighty-nine percent of the mothers reported that the preparation frequency of traditional recipes was 2-times a week or more.

The average total energy intake (TEA) of the selected traditional recipes was 202 #177; 131 kcal, semolina with egg was the most energetic dish with an AET of 511kcal, while zucchini puree was less energy, with an AET of 67kcal. Among all recipes, whiting puree had a maximum nutritional value of lipids, corresponding to 120kcal. The maximum nutritional value of proteins and carbohydrates was 124 and 120 kcal, respectively, for liver puree. The fiber portion was 13g for the Algerian semolina puree (Ayerni). The sodium content was 0.19 g for mashed zucchini. The proportion of calcium was 0.18 g for vermicelli in milk. The iron value was 0.02 g for liver puree, and was very low for all other recipes. The maximum levels of Vit. C and E were respectively, 0.04 g for liver puree, and 0.09 g for pumpkin soup, leek, carrot, and potato.

In conclusion, traditional Algerian recipes for infantspresent medium energy value, provide animal and vegetable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. However, they are low in micronutrients, which are still present in the diet of infants, breast milk remains the most important in feeding of infant.

Keywords: Infants, Traditional Algerian recipes, Energy value, Nutritional value, Preparation frequency.

Mots clés : Nourrissons, Recettes traditionnelles algériennes, Valeur énergétique, Valeur nutritionnelle, Fréquence de préparation.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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