Plantain banana is becoming more and more expensive on the
Yaoundé markets. The increasing of the price at the consumption
level is not experienced by the producers level. This situation evidently
doesn't encourage the latter's to improve their productions. It is safe,
therefore to assume that there might be a shortage of this staple food product
in the next years on this town's markets. This study aims at analysing the
Plantain Banana supply of Yaoundé Town. The methodology used consisted
of reasoned and non random selection of producers in the high production areas
situated in the surroundings of Yaoundé Town and to focus on the various
markets that they supply; markets among which carriers and sellers are chosen.
The various specific objectives were achieved (identification of marketing
agents, of marketing channels and network, determination of marketing costs,
prices and marketing margins). The analysis was based on the information's from
the administered questionnaires and observations. The results have been
analysed using SPSS and Excel softwares.
The results obtained show that 58, 26, and 16 % of producers
sell their products at the farms gates, in the local markets and in
Yaoundé markets respectively. In markets are found super wholesalers (31
%), super wholesalers- retailers (11 %), wholesalers-retailers (35 %) and
retailers (23 %).One can also find carriers, packers and indirect actors. Nine
teen five per cent of producers admit to be independent and not organised. The
total charge in F CFA per kilogram and weekly vary between 29 and 60
for producers ; 27 and 43 for the super wholesalers, 5 and 7 for the
retailers, 10 and 15 for carriers. Prices given by producers vary between F CFA
47 and 167 per kilogram depending on the place where they are being sold.
Wholesale prices in Yaoundé vary between CFA 100 and 433 and retail
prices between F CFA 137 and 566 per kilogram. From the above results it is
worth mentioning that the average free margin is F CFA 41, 111, 63 and
14, per kilogram for the producers, super-wholesalers, retailers and
carriers respectively.
The study recommends that producers do organise themselves in
order to fix common price, and that authorities do stop police annoyances. As
far as this network is concerned, research organisations ought to go further
into studies so that the whole actors involved in the process may be
CARBAP : Centre Africain de Recherche sur
Bananiers et Plantains.
DSCN : Direction de la Statistique et de la
Comptabilité Nationale.
EFA : Exploitations Familiales Agricoles.
FAO : « Food and Agricultural
Organisation ».
FASA : Faculté d'Agronomie et des
Sciences Agricoles.
FRBC : Fonds de Recherche sur Base
GIC : Groupe d'Initiative Commune.
IITA : « International Institute for
Tropical Agriculture ».
IRAD : Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le
Kg : Kilogramme.
Km : Kilomètre.
MIDEVIV : Mission de Développement des Cultures
MINADER : Ministère de l'Agriculture et du
Développement Rural.
MINAGRI : Ministère de l'Agriculture.
ONG : Organisation Non Gouvernementale.
PCP : Pôle de compétence en
PDP : Part Du Producteur.
PIB : Produit Intérieur Brut.
PRFP : Programme de Relance de la Filière
PRP : Projet de Recherche en Partenariat.
REPARAC : Renforcement des Partenariats de la Recherche
Agronomique au Cameroun.
SOCAPALM : Société Camerounaise des
SPSS : Statistical Packages for Social