The agricultural sector, notably vivrier, constitute a
generating activity of income in general for most the Congolese peasants and of
the grouping of Buzi in particular.
Cassava makes main cultivated speculation part in the
grouping. His/her/its production spreads practically on all year round in order
to answer to the local demand but also for the export in the urban surroundings
(city of Goma and Bukavu in the occurrence). However, the chain of value
cassava is confronted to problems bound to the organization, the production and
the merchandising.
The survey showed that the chain of value cassava is
constituted mainly of links of production, transformation, and the
While holding account of product destination and derivative
products of cassava and the existing markets, one can define five (5) big
chains of values (CV): the CV " cool cassava for the local market and the city
of Goma ", CV " cassava dried -cossette of cassava - for the local market, the
city of Goma and Bukavu, the CV " flours cassava for the local market, the city
of Goma and Bukavu ", CV " chikwangue for the local " market and CV " foufou of
cassava for the local " markets.
During this survey, two (2) types of costs have been analyzed.
It is about costs of production and the total costs of the different chains of
values. With regard to costs of production, the picture 3.14 indicates that the
CV of cassava dried sold on the three markets - local market, of Goma and
Bukavu - is the one of which the cost of production is relatively dearer,
either 14 441 133 FCS. It explained himself by the fact that the dried cassavas
and sold on the three markets are produced in exploitations of less intensive
type (generally less 1ha) on which one surutilise the hand-d'oeuvre domestic
for the sarclage. One recovers in second position the C.V flours cassava with
10 839 860 FCS of which 53,38% of the global loads are told the transformation
of the product.
For what concerns the total costs, the analysis of costs
generated by the different chains of values, the picture 3.15 indicates that
the chain producing the flour of cassava is as well most expensive in
intermediate consumptions (25 337 336 FCS) that in total costs (26 058 714
FCS). It is essentially owed to the relative expenses to the transformation.
Chains of cool cassava and cassava dried for the local market follow
themselves, with respectively 1
651 380 FCS and 2 246 213 FCS and of 14 766 548 FCS and 15 357
341 FCS in intermediate consumptions and total costs by quantity of cassava
produced. Comes in second position the chain of values of cassava sale toward
urban middle (city of Goma and Bukavu) is the one that requires less expenses
of the quantity of cassava produces, either 801 385 FCS and 1 874 695 FCS in
intermediate consumptions and in total costs. This result can explain himself
by the fact that expenses done for the production of cassava for the urban
markets are compensated by outputs that one gotten there.
For what is the analysis of the performance of the different
chains of values, the picture 3.17 watch that all values chains cassava is
profitable on the financial plan. In of other terms, the production of cassava
is profitable for the producer, the transformer and the tradesman. Indeed, the
added values and profits are positive for all actors in all chains of values
except for the chain of value of cassava flour where the added value and the
producer's profit is negative. It is why; this profitability varies for every
actor according to the chain in the what is located. This last result can
explain himself to the fashion of access to the earth, to conditions of access
of the product to markets - désenclavements of the middle and
harassments - but as the means of transport used - people - of transformation
and merchandising.
Otherwise, the comparison of the different values chains
watches that the chain of value producing the dried cassava was most profitable
to the financial plan. Producers and tradesmen got the added values there and
the most elevated profits. In second position the chain of value of cassava
flour. In this chain of value, it is transformers as well as tradesmen that get
the added values there and the most elevated profits. One recovers in third
position the relative value chain to the cool cassava. The least profitable
value chain to the financial plan is then those of foufou of chikwangue in
value added all as in profit.
When one interests itself to ratios of profitability (the
picture 3.17) findings change. Indeed, one notices that with the analysis of
ratios, the chain of value flours becomes profitable for all actors. Tradesmen
invest advantages there that the two other actors because her procures more
advantages financiers. Indeed, a (1) enclosed Congolese franc in this chain
generates three 15,928 FCS of value added for tradesmen, 7,52 FCS for
transformers and 4,61 FCS for producers. On the other hand, producers invest
more in chains of value cassava dried and cool cassava. Indeed, he/it is more
profitable producers' to invest in these two (2) chains because 1 funded franc
in procures to producers a gain of 85,32868 FCS or 8,478 FCS
respectively in added values. Transformers find more gain in
the chain of values producing the foufou. Indeed, while investing a Congolese
franc in this chain, transformers get a gain of 14,491 FCS in added value.
The analysis of the SWOT matrix underlines various constraints
that hinder the development of all value chains analyzed in the present survey.
The first major constraint (township to all chains of value) is relative to
difficulties of provision in seeds improven of cassava boutureses. The least
expensive solution, propose The Meur (2000) is has to produce cassavas on the
exploitation priori and to spread the cultivated surface, what sends back us to
the appreciable question of the access to the earth, progressively. Indeed, as
we signalled him in this work, some people of the population already
monopolized themselves of the big exploitations of earths to the detriment of
others and made dismemberment where conditions of access to the patch of earth
are made to disadvantages of producers of it. According to the report of W.V
(2015), the marchandisation of the earth was there sometimes very precocious,
précoloniales and the fundamental transactions are marked by a strong
insecurity, of the brutal price fluctuations no corrélées to an
adjustment of the offer to the demand or at the level of fertility.
Although the results financier and economic are globally
satisfactory for all categories of actors intervening in the different chains
of values, for numerous constraints have been a matter by the survey,
particularly the lack of organization of the value chain, the
almost-inexistence of infrastructures of storage and the bad state of ways of
evacuation of zones productrices products toward the big center of consumption,
the difficult access to the credit (suppression of the agricultural credit by
the Mecrego/Minova) for the majority of actors for all chains, the fluctuation
of prices noted during the year, among others. However, the chain of value
cassava has a lot of assets and of favorable opportunities to his/her/its
development in the grouping of Buzi.
Key words: -Value chain -profitability - Actors - Cassava
-grouping of Buzi -