5.1. Introduction
This chapter aims to present the summary of the study,
conclusion of the study, and recommendations concerning the impact of
organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness of local
government entities. At the end of this chapter, suggestions for further
studies about this topic under study.
5.2. Summary of the study
The objective for this study was to investigate the impact of
organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local
government entities; TUMBA Sector was used as case study for this research. As
an institution where Organizational Communication is applicable and one of
Sectors of HUYE District that gets a good place in the performance contract
among the other Districts, Tumba was selected as a case study due to how it
geographically situated.
In this research, the results were collected from 30
respondents; Leaders and ordinary people in GITWA, RANGO B, and CYARWA.
Descriptive, Analytical and comparative methods were used in this study. Both
leaders and citizens were used to investigate to find out whether there is the
remarkable impact of organizational communication in enhancing work
effectiveness in RWANDA especially in Tumba sector.
Aiming to get enough information, three cells of TUMBA Sector
were used. Selecting the sample, the purposive sampling technique was used;
only people who are aged from twenty years old and above were selected.
Research interviews were used and responses were analyzed and interpreted
separately and other whose answers are identical was combined. When collecting
data, relevant documentary analysis for this study was also used. To
interpret and analyze Data in the chapter four, the researcher took into
account the respondents `point of view toward organizational communication and
work effectiveness in their Sector.
The researcher, also analyzed how respondents understand what
organizational communication and work effectiveness are, to see if their
responses can lead to the objective. Basing on the data, the researcher also
analyzed the impact of organization communication in enhancing work
effectiveness. After the analysis, the findings of study agree with the
hypothesis that impact of organizational communication enhances work
effectiveness in public institution especially in Tumba as my case study.
The significance of effective organizational communication is
very critical in retaining worker satisfaction and consequently worker
performance in organizations. Effective organizational communication can be
possible if organizational leadership improve on their communication methods
and create unrestricted access of communication media to their workers. The
consequences of poor organizational communication would result in an increased
turnover rate of employees in the organization due to a lower level of worker
5.2. General Conclusion
The research study about the impact of organizational
communication enhances work effectiveness in public institutions in Rwanda was
carried out in HUYE District TUMBA Sector. The main concern was to investigate
if there is the organizational communication which enhances work effectiveness
in Tumba. The research is made up of general introduction, conceptual and
theoretical framework, method and techniques of data collection, data
interpretation and analysis, summary of findings, conclusion and
The hypothesis that conducted the research was that `The
organizational communication enhances work effectiveness of local government
entities. This hypothesis was proven true relying upon the information from
data research that are interpreted and analyzed in fourth chapter.
As it was confirmed by respondents in their answers, when
there is unfair organizational communication there could never be work
effectiveness, but when it is fair, the work effectiveness or performance
becomes good too. For that reason, no doubt about the organizational
communication in enhancing work effectiveness in Rwanda, since the information
from the research shows that in Rwanda there effective organizational
communication even provided by the constitution of Rwanda.
So, good Organizational communication can be considered to be
the mother of work effectiveness not only local government entities but also in
every institution due to the fact that the act of sharing information makes the
work be done towards the desired ends. According to what have been collected on
field, organizational communication enhances work effectiveness of local
government entities, but in my case study it not at a very good level due to
its location and population which some how stable because it place almost in
town and citizen coordination is not easy.
The findings above have both theoretical and practical
significance to organizational studies, and add our knowledge on managerial
practices in several ways. Theoretically, the results highlight some important
experiences of organizational communications in TUMBA sector work
organizations, stimulating more research in the area of communication in
developing countries. From a practical point of view, findings of this work
confirm that to motivate and retain employees to work hard, effective
organizational communication plays a significant role. The work has established
the positive impact of good organizational communication on worker
effectiveness which ultimately leads to improved work effectiveness in the
workplace. Also, the work provides useful guidelines for managerial practice
and implications in the area of organizational communication.
In this chapter, we learned that an organization is a
«consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that
functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of
goals». Organizations are dynamic and are created through our
communication. Organizational communication is the sending and receiving of
messages among interrelated individuals within a particular environment or
setting to achieve individual and common goals. Organizational communication is
highly contextual and culturally dependent.
The study of organizational communication developed as a
result of the rapid changes brought on by the industrial revolution in the past
150 years. The more formal study of organizational communication took root in
the mid-1900s and has gained increasing attention over the past 60 years. We
examined three predominant periods of organizational communication during this
time. The Era of Preparation (1900 to 1940) is the era in which practitioners
and scholars focused on public address, business writing, managerial
communication, and persuasion. The Era of Identification and Consolidation
(1940-1970) saw the beginnings of business and industrial communication with
certain group and organizational relationships becoming important. During the
Era of Maturity and Innovation (1970 present) organizational communication has
worked to rationalize its existence through rigorous research methods and
Those in the field of organizational communication study a
variety of communication activity in organizational settings. Researchers focus
on communication channels, communication climates, network analysis and,
superior-subordinate communication. Since the 1980s, this specialization has
expanded to include the study of organizational culture, power and conflict
management, and organizational rhetoric. Other content areas of focus include
communication in groups and teams, leadership, conflict and conflict
management, communication networks, decision making and problem solving,
ethics, and communication technology. Introductory organizational communication
classrooms often focus on skill development in socialization, interviewing,
individual and group presentations, work relationships, performance evaluation,
conflict resolution, stress management, decision making, or external
Since the start of the industrial revolution, perspectives
regarding organizational communication have continued to be developed and
refined. The initial organizational communication perspective, founded on
scientific principles, is the classical management perspective which focused on
specialization, standardization, and predictability in organizations. Following
this perspective were the human relations and human resources perspectives
which further tried to incorporate human satisfaction, needs, and participation
as a means for creating effective organizations and productive employees. The
systems perspective allowed researchers to understand organizations as a
«whole greater then the sum of their parts.» This perspective focuses
on the interactions of the people who form organizations, with the basic
assumption that all people in the organization impact organizational outcomes.
Finally, the cultural perspective understands organizations as unique cultures
with their own sets of artifacts, values, and basic assumptions. As part of the
cultural perspective we can examine the climate of an organization to reveal
how an organization impacts its members, and how members impact an
The future of organizational communication is complex and
rapidly changing. As a result, there are many challenges to organizations. Two
of the most compelling challenges are ethics and the rapid changes occurring in
organizational life. As competition continues to increase, and greater demands
are placed on organizations and individuals, ethics is becoming an essential
focus of examination for organizational communication and behavior. Likewise,
the rapid advances in technology and globalization are creating increased
challenges and demands on organizational members.
5.3. Recommendations
In Rwanda, nowadays there is good organizational
communication, but, it is not enough for Rwandans to let it go on being good
only; it would much better to improve it to be very good or excellent. Thus,
the implementation of these recommendations below can help in organizational
communication improvement.