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Impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local government entities( Télécharger le fichier original )par Daniel Ibyimanikora University of Rwanda - A0 2015 |
5.3.1The recommendations to TUMBA SectorThe first is recognizing the value of other people: As leaders do not achieve performance contract at the same level, it is good for leaders to share experiences about how to improve ways of sharing information. The second is employing skillful and competent leaders in communication skills and sociology or public health who are aware of how to convince people because communication should be hold by people who are able to accomplish their duties as well as possible. The third is that having meeting several times can help to make aware of citizens' problems, receiving their suggestions; recommendations in easy way and leaders transmit the information to citizens on time. The fourth is increasing the explanation about leader's duties: As leaders are voted by citizens to work for them, citizens must be explained leaders' duties. That is worth, because some citizens especially in country side do not know leaders are expected to do for them. This cannot be done elsewhere than in meeting and communication in their respective organizations. The fifth, it is also recommended that communication within citizens must go on being encouraged in order to have educated citizens who are able to understand things easily and contributing properly building the nation. Regarding to the sample used, a big number of respondents emphasized on salaries of villagers communicator (abamenyekanishabikorwa) 5.4. Suggestion for further researchThe present study has covered limited scope (only one sector of Tumba) due to the limited time and finance. The researcher suggests that the future researchers about the organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness of local entities in Rwanda can be done in entire district or in whole country because it is at the basis of goal attainment of every institution either public or semi-public. 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