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Impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local government entities

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par Daniel Ibyimanikora
University of Rwanda - A0 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.4. Study population

William fox (1992:06) defines population as «a set of cases from which a sample is drawn and to which a researcher wants to generalize». He continues by asserting that population is data pertaining to all or almost all cases to which a researcher wants to generalize.

For any study to succeed, information needs to be representative of the population covered by the research questions. A population refers to the total number of elements covered by the research questions (Scott, I et al 1998:307). «Population can be defined as the totality of persons or objects with which a study is concerned». Grinnell et al (1990:118).

Christensen (1991:101) asserts that, population refers to all the events, things or individuals that are the objects of investigation. This research is made to study the relationship between small and medium enterprises and rural development in Rwanda, thus the researcher surveyed a selected unit (enterprise) technically determined. The population under study was comprised of stakeholders of enterprise.

3. 5.Sample size and selection techniques

The study must consider a sample size that is within the cost constraint but should provide the ability to detect an independent variable effect (Christensen, 1991: 372). Williamson (1982:113) comments on the sample size as being a phase of research, which is crucial because of its major impact on time and money that must go into data collection.

While selecting the sample size of the study; the researcher purposely five respondents particularly; representing all staff members. Data is collected from selected respondents from the study population due to the reasons of necessary and convenience.

3. 5. 1 Simple random sampling

Simple random sampling was be used to select the institution. Simple random sampling as defined by Baker (1988:148) refers to the situation whereby each individual case in the population theoretically has a chance of being selected for the sample. The simple random sampling technique was used to select local entity.

According to Bailey (1978:70) a sample size is a subset or a portion of the total population to be studied. The study mainly deals with the impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness of local government entity of Tumba Sector. In the study, two categories of respondents were selected (leaders and citizens). Due to the limitation of financial means and time at the disposal of study, for the purpose of convenience and appropriateness, it is not possible to reach the whole population of TUMBA Sector. Thus, the data will be collected from the selected respondents to generalize the result of the study. In my research, the interview will be applied within three villages of Tumba Sector among the six of the whole Sector; I will randomly query any citizen randomly fifteen people including three leaders and or more

3. 6. Data collection methods and instruments

The information from the primary data was obtained through a structured questionnaire and an interview schedule and documentary search was applied as to obtain secondary data.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld