3.3 Sources of data
A source is one of the materials that the researcher uses for
collecting information during the investigation» (Paige Wilson, 1989:2)
the sources of data are both primary and secondary data.
3.3.1 Primary data collection
According to Churchill, L., (1992:182) primary data refer to
information collected specifically for the purpose of the investigation at
hand. Methods of primary data collection used to obtain the part of relevant
information on the topic. According to Williamson et al. (1982:173),
this method involves interview guide for all respondents to facilitate deeper
discussions in depth assessments of the situation.
In order to obtain the primary data, then I will be using the
interview and observation. In this step of primary data collection, (Rinjit
2005:136) observation is systematic and purposeful of selecting ways of
watching and listening to an interaction or a phenomenon as it takes place. It
has two types; participative and non participative observation, but due to a
short time of research, is prefer to use the non-participative observation
because I can't get enough time to share the life with the respondents.
According to Shankar (2006:56), Observation is one of the
principle techniques of research in social sciences. Some of the difficulties
arising from the use of interview in data collection can be overcome by
combining Observation with interviewing .Science begins with observation and
must ultimately return with observation for its final validation. This is
chosen by the researcher in order to know how the information is given through
communication in both officials and citizens in TUMBA sector.
Rinjit (2005:141) the interview as a common used method to
collect information from the people is classified into structured or
unstructured interview. I decided to use the unstructured due to the fact that
it gives the freedom to the interviewee for the reason that you can raise the
question and raise an issue that occur at the moment depending on what comes to
mind in the context of discussion and get the answer.
3.3.2 Secondary data collection
Churchill (1992:182) Secondary data is information not
gathered for immediate study at hand but for other purposes. Secondary data of
this study were obtained from UR library, library CASS, MINALOC, the
Presidential Order n° 28/01 of 06/7/2009, Organizational Structure- Rural
Sector Type -April 2009, Report of Tumba Sector population 2011
For Kumar (2005:136) in order to collect data, I will use the
documentation, whereby reading the government publication, client histories,
national census, personal records, service records, and earlier research.
Williams, T., (1982:155) asserts that «Analysis of available records may
be the only way to obtain qualitative data». And Bailey (1979:266) argues
another sources of data is the analysis of documents. This instrument is
helpful to the researcher to get information from other researchers.