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Impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local government entities

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Daniel Ibyimanikora
University of Rwanda - A0 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3. 6.1. Interview Schedule

According to Bailey (1978:93) an interview is an instrument that is not given directly to the respondents, but is filled in by an interviewer who reads the questions to the respondent. In case where the researcher had access to the respondents, she interviewed them and responses were filled in the interview schedule. For better organization of the interview exercise, the researcher made appointments with the respondents in order to have access to them. During the interview process, the researcher had a list of questions that he can read to the respondent's responses; the researcher prepared a separate schedule as this would later facilitate the coding process.

3. 6.2 Documentation

Bailey (1978:266) defines documentary study as a careful reading, understanding and analysis of written documents for some purposes other than social research. They record of past events that are written or printed. Grinnell and Williams (1990:219) noted that documentation is the analysis of data that exist in boxes, in some enterprise's basements or hidden in the core of a computer. In this research, the researcher collected the already existing data, by finding them where they are stored or field. During the process of documentary analysis, the researcher some documents and after understanding and analyzing the relevance of texts to this study, she jotted them down on manuscripts and later typed them on a computer for compilation. The researcher reads documents such as manual procedures, newspapers and other publications.

3.7 Presentation of case study

Tumba Sector is an administrative entity that can be accessed (at: ) and it was set up under the law after the reform made by the Ministry of Local Government, and is one of the 14 sectors of Huye district in southern province.

The Organization of Tumba Sector lies under the presidential order n° 08/2006 of 24/02/2006 governing district, sector, cell and village responsibilities, structure and functioning.

Location and Population of Tumba Sector

Tumba Sector is located in Rwanda, Southern Province, especially in Huye district. Their squares are 18.1 km2 and 90% of it area is located in peripheral of town. Tumba Sector is bordered as follow:

There is Ngoma Sector in North, Mukura Sector South., Kibirizi sector of Gisagara District in East, Gishamvu and Huye Sectors in West.

Tumba sector count five (5) administrative Cells:

1. Gitwa in middle

2. Rango B in south

3. Cyarwa in South- East

4. Cyimana in north.

5. Mpare in West

Vision of Tumba Sector

Tumba sector came in the first position in the last year in Huye District .As the 2020 vision of our country is based on achieving sustainable development; Tumba Sector is one of the key players to achieve it. The secret behind their success is the cooperation amongst them. Their slogan is «Dukorere ku Gihe Tugwize umusaruro» and their theme is «one team, one vision and one target. Their name of itorero is «Inkeramihigo z' Indatirwabahizi».

The objectives Tumba sector is based on promoting:

- Agriculture based one land Use consolidation and Crop Intensification Program (CIP)

- Education based on promoting 12YBE.

- Promoting health

- Good settlement

- Enhance commerce in order to increase taxes.

- Sensitization of population to health insurance

- Promoting entrepreneurship.

- Security, etc,

The Mission

- The mission of Tumba Sector like other Sectors is based on:

- Develop economic plans and be the centre of development

- Re-enforce the transparency and provide basic service to the population

- Initiate solutions to citizen's problems

- Analyze basic statistical data

- To safeguard both human and property rights of people in all Cells of the Sector

- To promote and encourage unity and reconciliation of local people.

- Mobilize the local people to participate in community work (Umuganda)

- To take the first step in accelerating economic and social development project/ program of the Sector

Responsibilities of Tumba Sector

- The Sector is an administrative entity where the population accesses various services in accordance with existing laws. The Tumba Sector has the following responsibilities:

- Promote sports, culture and entertainment;

- Receive and settle problems which could not be solved at the Cell level;

- Analyze people's problems and devise a participatory development plan

- Provide basic services including, death, wedding and birth registration;

- Collection of data which can be used to plan development activities;

- Monitor management and use of land, housing, infrastructure, environment and hygiene;

- Co-ordinate activities of Government special programs (Gacaca, TIG, reconciliatory)

- Sensitize people to participate in Government political, social and economic development programs;

- Assist the District in tax collection;

- Maintain and monitor the functioning of health centres;

- Devise a program of sensitizing people to join the Community Based Health Insurance Schemes (CBHI)

All those above responsibilities are compiled in four governmental Pillars: Economic Development, Social Welfare, Good Governance and Justice.

According to William (1982:118), the population of study is the totality of persons or objects with which a study is concerned. The population in this study is composed of TUMBA Sector officials and citizens of TUMBA Sector (males and females). The category of age is from 18 years and above because it considered being also in the active populations and in time of collection of information the population over 18 years old will in their homes so it will facilitate the researcher to meet them.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Des chercheurs qui cherchent on en trouve, des chercheurs qui trouvent, on en cherche !"   Charles de Gaulle