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Annexe 1 : Questionnaire de
l'enquête Introduction:
This questionnaire is formulated for the purpose of a training
course for a Master degree at PID (Pan African Institute for Development), and
is entitled «Application of the contingent valuation method to measure the
demand and to plan school investments in under-scholarized areas: Case of
MBORORO populations of the North West region». Information collected will
be held confidential and will be used at exclusive ends of scientific and
academic research. Hence, the exactitude of your answers is an essential
element for the success of this work. Thank you for your patience and
Name of the interviewer:
Date :
Sub-division :
Sex: M F Age: _________ years
Profession: Grazer Farmer Other (Indicate : )
Marital situation: Married Divorced Widow
Matrimonial regime : Polygamous Monogamous
Religious confession of the household Muslims Christians
Animist What is your level of education?
Primary school Secondary school University Non - scholirized
A-1/ How many children do you have? :
A-2/ Do you have a concern with the education
of your children(Y/N)? Yes NO
A-3/ Do you give importance to the quality of
this education(Y/N)? Yes NO
A-4/ How many school going age children do you
have? - Boys : ___
-Girls : ___
A-5/ How many children do you have who are
effectively going to school? - Boys : ___
-Girls : ___
B-1/ Do you know the number of primary schools
in your locality(Y/N)? Yes NO
B-2/ Do you know the number of secondary general
schools in your locality(Y/N)? Yes NO
B-3/ Do you know the number of secondary
technical schools in your locality(Y/N)? Yes NO
B-4/ Do you know the number of Koranic schools
in your locality(Y/N)? Yes NO
II- 1 Primary education
B15/ How many children do you have in primary
school? - Boys : ___
-Girls : ___
B-16/ How far are these schools from your
Nearer A bit far Far B-17/ By which means do
your children go to school?
On foot By car There are in the dormitory Other (Indicate : )
B-18/ Do your children (those who go to school)
have basic school needs (text books, exercise books, pens etc)?
All basic needs Some basic needs Non e of the basic needs
B-19/ How many of your children have completed
their primary school? - Boys : ___
-Girls : ___
B-20/ If then umbers above are low, which
reasons can you evoke to justify this situation?
? For boys :
(a) You lack financial means .
(b) Are your children affected by transhumance? .
(c) The family loads are too high
(d) It is not necessary for them to obtain the FSLC
? For girls :
(a) You lack financial means
(b) The girl child education is not important
(c) Your daughters must go on marriage .
(d) The family loads are too high
(e) It is not necessary for them to obtain the FSLC ..
B-21/ Are you member of the PTA of your
children's school (Y/N)? Yes NO
B-22/ How are the decisions taken during the
meetings? They are imposed By vote
B-23/ Do you think you can influence these
decisions, notably those concerning finances(Y/N)? Yes NO