II- 2 Secondary education
B-25/ How many children do you have in secondary
school? - Boys : ___
-Girls : ___
B-26/ How far are these schools from your
Nearer A bit far Far B-27/ By which means do
your children go to school?
On foot By car There are in t he dormitory Other (Indicate :
) B-28/ Do your children (those who go to school) have
basic school needs (text books, exercise books, pens etc)?
All basic needs Some basic needs None of the basic needs
B-29/ How many of your children have completed
their secondary school? - Boys : ___
-Girls : ___
B-30/ If then umbers above are low, which
reasons can you evoke to justify this situation? ? For boys :
(a) You lack financial means .
(b) Are your children affected by transhumance? .
(c) The family loads are too high
(d) It is not necessary for them to obtain the A Level....... ?
For girls :
(a) You lack financial means .
(b) The girl child education is not important ..
(c) Your daughters must go on marriage .
(d) The family loads are too high
(e) It is not necessary for them to obtain the A Level
B-31/ Are you member of the PTA of your
children's school (Y/N)? Yes NO
B-32/ How are the decisions taken during the
meetings? They are imposed By vote
B-33/ Do you think you can influence these
decisions, notably concerning the finances(Y/N)? Ye s NO
Primary education
C-11/ The expenses related to the education of a
child in the primary cycle (PTA+supplies+various) amount
to 20,000 F CFA on average per annum. Will you send your child to
school for this amount?
Yes (Go to C-18) NO (Go to C -12)
C-12/ Will you send your child to school if this
sum passes to 15,000 F CFA?
Yes (Go to C-18) NO (Go to C -13) C-13/ Will
you send your child to school if this sum passes to 10,000 F CFA?
Yes (Go to C-18) NO (Go to C -14) C-14/ Will
you send your child to school if this sum passes to 5,000 F CFA?
Yes (Go to C-18) NO (Go to C -15) C-15/
Will you send your child to school if this sum passes to 2,000 F
Yes (Go to C-18) NO (Go to C-16) C-16/ Are
you ready to pay something for the education of your child?
Yes (Go to C-18) NO (Go to C -17)
C- 17/ Do you thing that the responsibility for
the education of your children in the primary falls entirely on the state?
Yes NO
C- 18/According to you, good education in the
primary cycle is that which perms to a child:
(a) To know how to write and read
(b) To become autonomous with respect to the others
(c) To be prepared for a better social insertion
(d) To obtain his FSLC
C- 19/ Do you think that the schools (teachers,
administration, PTA) contribute to this success (Y/N)?
Yes NO
C-20/ Are you satisfied by the quality of the
education offered to your children(Y/N)? Yes NO
C-21/ The government intends to build a primary
school in your locality; How much are you ready to spend annually for the
training of your child in that school?
20 000 F (or more) 15 000 F 10 000 F 5 000 F 2000 F 0 F
Secondary general education:
C-31/ The expenses related to the education of a
child in the secondary cycle general education (PTA+supplies+various) amount to
50,000 F CFA on average per annum. Will you send your child to school for this
Yes (Go to C-38) NO (Go to C -32)
C-32/ Will you send your child to school if this
sum passes to 40,000 FCFA?
Yes (Go to C -38) NO (Go to C -33)
C-33/ Will you send your child to school if this
sum passes to 30,000 FCFA?
Yes (Go to C -38) NO (Go to C -34)
C-34/ Will you send your child to school if this
sum passes to 20,000 FCFA?
Yes (Go to C -38) NO (Go to C -35)
C-35/ Will you send your child to school if this
sum passes to 10,000 FCFA?
Yes (Go to C -38) NO (Go to C -36)
C-36/ Are you ready to pay something for the
education of your child?
Yes (Go to C -38) NO (Go to C -37)
C-37/ Do you thing that the responsibility of
for the education of your children in the primary falls entirely
on the state? Yes NO
C-38/According to you, a good education in the
secondary cycle is that which permits to a child
(a) To become an adult .
(b) To become autonomous with respect to the others
(c) To be prepared for a better social insertion
(d) To obtain his A Level
C- 39/ Do you think that the schools (teachers,
administration, PTA) contribute to this success (Y/N)?
Yes NO
C-40/ Are you satisfied by the quality of the
education offered to your children(Y/N)?
Yes NO
C-41/ The government intends to build a
secondary general school in your locality; How much are you ready to spend
annually for the training of your child in that school?
50, 000 F (or more) 40,000 F 30, 000 F 20, 000 F 10, 000 F 0 F
Secondary technical
C-51/ The expenses related to the education of a
child in the secondary cycle general education (PTA+supplies+various) amount to
75,000 F CFA on average per annum. Will you send your c hild to school for this
Yes (Go to C -58) NO (Go to C -52) C-52/
Will you send your child to school if this sum passes to 50,000
Yes (Go to C -58) NO (Go to C -53) C-53/
Will you send your child to school if this sum passes to 30,000
Yes (Go to C -58) NO (Go to C -54) C-54/
Will you send your child to school if this sum passes to 20,000
Yes (Go to C -58) NO (Go to C -55) C-55/
Will you send your child to school if this sum passes to 10,000
Yes (Go to C -58) NO (Go to C -56) C-56/ Are
you ready to pay something for the education of your child?
Yes (Go to C -58) NO (Go to C -57) C-57/ Do
you thing that the responsibility of for the education of your children in the
primary falls entirely on the
state? Yes NO
C-58/According to you, a good education in the
secondary cycle is that which permits to a child
(a) To become an adult .
(b) To become autonomous with respect to the others
(c) To be prepare for a better social insertion
(d) To obtain his A Level
C- 59/ Do you think that the schools (teachers,
administration, PTA) contribute to this success (Y/N)?
Yes NO
C-60/ Are you satisfied by the quality of the
education offered to your children(Y/N)?
Yes NO
C-61/ The government intends to build a
technical school in your locality; How much are you ready to spend annually for
the training of your child in that school?
75,000 F (or more) 50,000 F 30,000 F 20, 00 0 F 10, 000 F 0 F