2.2 Hypotheses
This study was drawn in order to establish if the
socio-demographic variables can be seen as determinants of the consumption of
green products or not, if there is a link between those variables and the green
purchasing behavior.
As a consequence the researcher has established various
hypotheses in order to answer the main research question.
According to the studied variables, the first hypothesis refers
to the fact that the socio-economical characteristics are linked to the
consumption of green products.
2.2.1 H1: socio-economical characteristics have a positive
effect on
consumers buying decision of green product
However, there are several sub-determinants in the
socio-economical characteristics, that's why the following sub-hypotheses were
conducted. Those hypotheses were established because of the literature review
and the personal interpretation of the researcher. H1a: the gender has a positive effect on green
For this hypothesis the researcher suggests that women tend to
consume more green products than men, therefore the researcher wants to see if
this hypothesis can be validated or not.
![](The-determinants-of-green-consumption-a-study-of-socio-demographics-factors-as-determinants23.png) H1b: the level of income or revenue is positively
to consumers green buying behavior.
For this hypothesis, the researcher suggests that people with
high level of income tend to consume more green products than people with a
lower level of income, as green products tend to be perceived as more
expensive. H1c: the level of education is positively linked to
consumption of green products.
For this hypothesis it is almost the same reflection as the
previous one. The research suggests that people with a higher level of
education are willing to consume more than the other. H1d: employment status is positively linked to
consumption of green product.
For this hypothesis, the researcher assumes that people with a
full time job are willing to consume more green products than people with a
part time job or unemployed. H1e: the legal status is positively linked to green
purchasing behavior.
For this hypothesis, the researcher assumes that the
consumption of green products is link to the legal status of consumers. The
researcher suggests that people who are married tend to consume more green
products than people living alone.
2.2.2 H2: living condition has a positive effect on
consumers green buying decision
The second developed hypothesis refers to the living
condition. We wanted to see if the living condition can have an effect or being
linked to the consumption of green product.
![](The-determinants-of-green-consumption-a-study-of-socio-demographics-factors-as-determinants24.png) H2a: The place of living is positively linked to
buying behavior.
Concerning, the place of living, the researcher suggests that
people living outside of city center may consume more green products that
people living in city. H2b: The household size is positively linked to green
buying behavior.
With this hypothesis, the researcher wanted to see if the
household size is affecting the consumption of green products, if according to
the size the consumption is more important or not.