2.2.3 H3: The store type is has a positive effect on green
consumer behavior
This hypothesis refers to the type of store. In fact, the
researcher wanted to see if consumers are willing to buy green products
according to the store, if the type of store is affecting the final decision of
the consumer.
With this hypothesis the researcher wanted to see if a certain
type of store is facilitating the consumption of green products.
2.2.4 H4: Good knowledge / high environmental knowledge
lead to the consumption of green products.
The fourth hypothesis formulated refers to what the researcher
has called «green knowledge». In fact, the researcher wanted to see
if people, who are consuming green products, are more aware of what ecology is,
in other words if there is a link between green knowledge and the consumption
of green product.
2.2.5 H5: The intention to buy green product is positively
the act of purchasing green product
The last formulated hypothesis refers to the link between the
intention of buying green products and the act of buying. In fact, sometime
people are willing to buy a product but are finally not buying it; we wanted to
see if there is a link between those behaviors.
? Fig 2.1: Conceptual model
Socio-economical characterictics
- Gender
- Education level
- Income level - Legal status
Living condition
- Place of living
- Household size
Intention to buy green
Purchasing green
Environmental concern
Stores type
In order to resume the hypotheses, a conceptual model was
drawn. This model allow the reader to have an overview of the main determinants
that are going to be studied, to understand the link between all of these
determinants and the intention of buying green and the act of purchasing.
In this model, the determinants have to be seen as independent
variables and the act of purchase is a dependent variable. The researcher
assumes that the independent variables; stores type, living condition,
environmental concern and socio-economical characteristics; are directly
influencing the intention to buy green products.
This model was drawn according to the formulated hypothesis and
permits the reader to have a better understanding of the purpose of this