Chapter II
2.1 Research overview
2.1.1 Definition of the studied variables
According to the previous literature review, defining the
determinants of green consumption is a really wide topic, with many
possibilities; it clearly appears to the researcher that the area of study as
to be narrowed down, it would be impossible to study all the determinants, the
research had to make choices.
The researcher has decided to study determinants that were not
really studied. Therefore, socio-demographic factors are less known as few
studies have been conducted upon this area of research. Scio-demographics
factors can refers «to the age, sex, education level, income level,
marital status, occupation, religion, birth rate, death rate, average size of a
family, average age at marriage» (Business Dictionary). Therefore, the
researcher found interesting to focus on the sociodemographics factors in order
to see if it is possible to draw a «profile type» of green consumers,
if they have common characteristics. Additionally, the researcher has decided
to look at the living conditions and the different types of stores, which are
selling green products, in order to see if consumers tend to pay attention at
where they are buying their products or not.
2.1.2 Research objectives
This research was conducted in order to determine if the
socio-demographics factors described above are influencing consumer green
purchase behavior.
This study title is: The determinants of the green
consumption: a study of sociodemographics factors as determinants. As
a consequence, our main research question for this study is the following:
« What are the determinants that lead to the consumption
of green products? » Firstly the researcher has conducted a literature
review in order to get an overview of the different determinants that lead to
the consumption of green products. After that, the researcher has decided to
study the determinants which were not studied. In fact, many researches were
conducted on this topic and the researcher decided to study determinants which
were less studied. That's why the socio-demographics factors were chosen. As it
was explained above, the research will be based on four
determinants in order to analyze the reasons of the
consumption of green products. Those determinants were studied in order to see
if they are link or facilitate (or not) the consumption of green products.
Determinants that are going to be studied are the following: socio-demographic
· Socio-economical characteristics: gender, level of
income, level of education, employment and status
· Living condition: household and place of living
· Stores types
· Level of Environmental concern