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Situation alimentaire et vulnérabilité des ménages de la commune de Ouake.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Justin TOVILODE
Université de Parakou - Ingénieur-Agronome 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


There is a consensus within the international community, since the World Food Conference convened in 1974 by the United Nations following the food crisis of 1973-1975, on the right to food for everyone. This consensus reaffirmed at the 1996 World Food Summit (WFS) in 2000 and the Millennium Development Goals. In the last two occasions, the international community has set itself the primary objective of halving the number of people suffering from hunger by 2015. Despite the acceptance, recognition of the right to food, the commitment and the implementation of projects or programs with components of the fight against food insecurity and nutrition, the number of people suffering food insecurity, especially in sub-Saharan Africa continues to increase. Benin, like all other countries of the region faced with this situation of food insecurity, especially in rural areas. In order to contribute to the targeting of vulnerable households to food and nutrition insecurity, which is the bottleneck in the response of most projects or programs, this study, is proposed to analyze the food security situation and vulnerability of households in the commune of Ouaké. A town situated in the department (Donga) from which departments revealed by studies departments as having a high rate of households vulnerable to food insecurity, about 19% (AGVSAN, 2009). The study used quantitative and qualitative data collected from 220 households. These data supplemented by secondary data from various sources. The data analysis has enabled us to grasp the food situation of households surveyed to understand the cause of the inability of certain segments of the population to take well charge of the food point of view. The estimation of vulnerable populations has been possible thanks to the generalized formula of the poverty index developed by Foster et al. (1984). This formula has helped define new concepts of food poverty. Thus, the concepts are determined independent of grain poverty, poverty apparent grain, cereal real poverty and food poverty. According to the results of the study, 23.16% of the surveyed households are poor self ie 23.16% of the units surveyed do not, on the basis of their own grain production, grain need to cover their estimated Benin by FAO to 206 kg of grain per person / year. According to the same result, 20.95% of the study population are poor grain apparent, in other words, 20.95% of the surveyed households do not cover their cereal needs despite the use of their stock and market participation (flux buying and selling). Finally, 18.33% of the sample, in spite of their own domestic production, the use of their stock, their participation in the market (buying and selling flows) and the solidarity mechanism (balance between donation and received ) fail to


Thèse d'ingénieur agronome/FA/UP/2010

Situation alimentaire et vulnérabilité des ménages de la commune de Ouaké

satisfy their need grain.

The analysis of the food situation, which includes in addition to cereals, tubers, roots and legumes, revealed that 15.17% of units surveyed do not cover their need for food crops, thus are poor food. The result of the analysis that integrates energy poverty in addition to foodstuffs, products and by-products (meat, milk, eggs ...) showed that 14.53% of the surveyed households are unable to meet their energy needs, so they are vulnerable to food insecurity. According to the classification level of vulnerability defined by WFP based on thresholds of vulnerability, the study showed that 12.3% of 14.53% of vulnerable households are extremely vulnerable. When considering the demographic and economic characteristics of vulnerable households, we see that they are on average relatively larger size (16 against 12 persons for non-vulnerable). In addition, they operate a small area (3 ha cons about 4 ha for non-vulnerable) and are mostly illiterate. The study also examined the determinants of the ability to cover household grain and it appears that factors such as the size of the household, the amount allocated to each cereal crop are the elements that affect the ability of households

to cover their need grain.

Keywords: poor grain autonomous, poor grain apparent, real poor grain, poor food, poor energy.


Thèse d'ingénieur agronome/FA/UP/2010

Situation alimentaire et vulnérabilité des ménages de la commune de Ouaké

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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