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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gédéon niyoduenga
UR-CBE - AO 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

4.3.1: What necessitated them to be beneficiaries ofCOPEDU LTD?

Most of the clients of the company (99%) answered that they were interested in joiningCOPEDU Ltd due to:

· Quick credit services

· Small interest rate to clients

· Group guidance

· Company being legally authorized

· Non- repayment in case of death of a client monthly repayment

Table 19:Responses to what kind of project to invest the loan


Number of respondents

Percentage (%)







Small trade business






Source: Primary data, 2015

Table 19 shows that 80% of respondents said that clients invest the loan into small trade business for instance to increase their market levels like markets for potatoes, restaurant, boutique, timber construction and 20% invested in health while 20% of respondents answered that they invest their loan in construction.

4.3.2 Whether the clients have recommended other people to join COPEDU Ltd

Because of a good credit environment 87% of client recommended other interested person to join institution and this is evidenced that by trusteeship among the clients and harmonization that unites and increases their business.

4.3.3COPEDU Ltdhas contributed to customers' welfare

Most of the clients, 87% said thatCOPEDU Ltdcontributes much to their welfare as individuals.

· Sustained life for instance clients are not able to have health care\, get food shelter

· Level of savings has interested

· Increase on the level of purchase

· Clients renting houses have ended up owning them due to disposable income and renovation of such houses.

· Company enables some clients to buy land; cows improve water supply sources and get electricity.In general clients'incomes have been increased to let them meet their daily and future demand.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius