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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gédéon niyoduenga
UR-CBE - AO 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy



This chapter presents the summary of the major findings of the study, conclusion, and recommendations. The research study was conducted with an overall objective of evaluating the impact of Microfinance institutions credit services in poverty alleviation in the rural area.

5.1: Summary of the findings

The study findings were in line with the study objectives and research questions. The method of data collection was primary data. The data was collected using questionnaire distribution and interviews and data was analyzed using tables. The main research question was to find out whether Microfinance institutions are contributing to the poverty alleviation.

To have the information collected and works done, a study was conducted from COPEDU Ltd especially from managers and beneficiaries. The research was entrenched by the general objective, which was to assess whether MFIs contributing to poverty alleviation in rural areas of Rwanda.The research revealed out that MFIs increasing income of the productive poor through having saving sustainable business, sensitizing clients on culture of savings, even little amount, offering simple loans to the poor people who have not been able tomaintain needs of life andSome of the clients have constructed their own houses out of simple credits; others are able to feed themselves and their families, able to pay school fees for their children.

In order to attain this objective, research question widely delivered toCOPEDU Ltdwere answered. The questionnaires and interview were delivered to a selected sample of 10 managers and officers employees and 20 beneficiaries.

ToCOPEDU Ltd, the findings will help to modify, design rules on delay for repayment of the loan to make clients adopt the culture of valuing loans. To microfinance institutions, the study findings will help clarity of proper elaboration of business plans and proper management of the projects to regularize repayment of granted loans, streamline business operations, strategic plans on new product line for markets. Other endeavors can borrow ideas from the research study for better improvement in microfinance industry in the country for instance the government.

The literature review shows poverty alleviation by MFIs the importance of MFIs in developing countries whereby they offer possibility of managing scare households and enterprise resources more efficiently as majority Rwandans have limited or no access to financial services. Loans are granted with usual collateral demanded thus good business environment to the productive poor.

More to not, the research findings are the benefits, management and technical knowledge attained by the clients as the result of joiningCOPEDU Ltd more of them said that they have gained much knowledge on loan management.

What can be observed from the research findings is that, increased income to the target group(rural areas) results in improved socio-economic well being of the rural people.

Therefore, if research findings also show that, microfinance services have created different positive changes in the lives of the clients ofCOPEDU Ltd, a proof is where 87% of the selected sample said that, `they have increased their business, 13% said to have managed to pay medical charges for their families.

Customers ofCOPEDU Ltd are happy due to good repayment condition. There are no rules or laws for repayment; the company does not penalize customers for the day of repayment. Therefore repayment of the credit is negotiable with credit office.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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