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Impact of microfinance institutions in poverty alleviation in rural area in Rwanda case study COPEDU Ltd Rwamagana branch

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Gédéon niyoduenga
UR-CBE - AO 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

4.2.4. Response on how micro finance institutions are helping the Rwandan rural poor population

.Micro finance institutions provide negotiable small loans to productive rural poor population;which increases their business welfare as case ofCOPEDU Ltd.

.Micro finance institutions give training to their clients about the use of loans in business through counseling and consultations about loan fund. Out of this clients end up adopting the culture of saving from these institutions. Majority of respondents (66%) revealed that MFIs are greatly helping the rural poor population to getting access to credit.

4.2.5. Answers to research questions

The research had 5 questions, which helped the researcher to get the findings.

The first question as to kwon what objectives ofCOPEDU Ltdhad at the start. It was found out that objectives were part and parcel of their current operations now and were; spiritual and promoting total holistic transformation of Rwandese. Gender development especially women and other disadvantages population groups and helping existing business grow and encourage development of new ones.

The second question was to know what the impact ofCOPEDU Ltd towards poverty alleviation in rural areas. The research revealed out thatCOPEDU Ltd increasing incomes of the productive poor through having saving sustainable business, sensitizing clients on culture of savings, even little amount, offering simple loans to the poor people who have not been able to maintainneeds of life.

The third question was to know how MFIs can be financed greatly to alleviate poverty in rural areas of Rwanda. It was found out that MFIs can be financed greatly through government policy of granting those funds, exemption from taxes and duties from government, getting grants for loan fund from foreign institutions with low interests, savings mobilization and injection of new money from international bodies.

The fourth question was to know howCOPEDU Ltd has contributed to the customers' welfare. It was found out thatCOPEDU Ltd contributes a lot to customers' welfare in the following way; granting them loans. Some of the clients have constructed their own houses out of simple credits; others are able to feed themselves and their families, able to pay school fees for their children,

Providingthose services and products, credits, savings and business development services. Means that customers are now able to meet their daily expenditure.

The fifth question was to know the success or outreach of MFIs in bid to alleviate poverty in rural areas. The researcher found out those MFIs activities support income generation for the enterprises operated by low-income households. Many people testify that their level of living has changed. Education for their children is financed and more improved shelter has been built, high number of active clients leading to more savings poverty alleviation.

4.2.5: Failures of COPEDU Ltd had at the start.

· COPEDU Ltd targets segments of population that has no proper access to business opportunities because of lack of markets, inputs and demand. Productive credit therefore, is no use to such people.

· To its best wishes,COPEDU Ltd has not reached either the minimum scale or the efficiency necessary to cover costs, due to lack of enough experienced and qualified manpower in the field of microfinance.

· Poor management of projects leading to irregularity in repayment of the granted loan.

· Failure to manage funds adequately enough to meet future cash demands and recovery.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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