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Elaboration of a communication strategy for promoting the polytechnique language centre INPHB

par Oumar KANTÉ
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny - Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur Grade Licence professionnelle 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

IV.1.1.4. Geographic area of the study The coverage of this study looks like this :

1% 1%







Campus INP-HB Yamoussoukro Abidjan Bouaké Toumodi Zouan-Hounien France

Graphic 4. Breakdown by geographic area Source : 2020 survey data

The geographic area most covered by our study is obviously the INP-HB campus. In fact, 73% of the people who answered our questionnaire reside on the Institute's sites. Then, the city of Abidjan covers 17% of the responses. In addition, people who live in the city of Yamoussoukro


account for 5% of the responses. Finally, the least covered areas are respectively Bouaké, Toumodi, Zouan-Hounien, Adzopé and Paris (partner school of INP-HB) each with a rate of 1% of responses.

IV.1.2. Identification of the Polytechnic Language Center IV.1.2.1. Notoriety of the Polytechnic Language Center

The percentage of individuals knowing the structure is as follows :



Yes No

Graphic 5. Notoriety of the Polytechnic Language Center Source : Survey data, 2020

The majority of respondents say they have never heard of the Polytechnic Language Center with 76% of the responses. On the other hand, 24% of individuals have already heard of the Center.

IV.1.2.2. Communication channels

The graph below shows the organization of the structure's communication.




3% The present questionnaire

Word of mouth

37% WhatsApp


Graphic 6. Communication channels used by the Polytechnic Language Center Source : Survey data, 2020

A large part of the people questioned say that they learned about the Center thanks to our survey questionnaire. These represent 49% of our sample. On the other hand, 37% of the respondents affirmed having known the Center by word of mouth while the people who knew the Center


via WhatsApp made up 10% of the sample. Finally, the posters allowed 3% of our sample to know the structure against 1% by Facebook.

IV.1.2.3. Geographic location

This graph breaks down the respondents according to whether they know the geographical location of the structure.



Yes No

Graphic 7. Geographical location of the Polytechnic Language Center Source : Survey data, 2020

Among those questioned, 78% did not know the geographical location of the Polytechnic Language Center against 22% who said they knew its location.

IV.1.2.4. Awareness of services

This graph answers the question of whether the respondents know the services provided by the structure.



Yes No

Graphic 8. Notoriety of the services of the Polytechnic Language Center Source: Survey data, 2020

Our sample consists of 88% of individuals who do not know the services of the Language Center. However, 12% say they are aware of the Centre's services.


IV.1.2.5. Attendance at the Polytechnic Language Center

The attendance rate of the Polytechnic Language Center is as follows:



Yes No

Graphic 9. Attendance at the Polytechnic Language Center Source : Survey data, 2020

The attendance rate of the Center is very low, ie 09% of our sample. A very overwhelming majority of the target never set foot within the structure with 91% of the responses.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius