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Elaboration of a communication strategy for promoting the polytechnique language centre INPHB

par Oumar KANTÉ
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny - Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur Grade Licence professionnelle 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

III.3.2. SWOT matrix

The SWOT matrix, the English acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, provides a synthetic vision of a situation by presenting the strengths and weaknesses of the company as well as the opportunities and potential threats (in French, we talk about FFOM analysis). The advantage of the SWOT matrix is that it makes it possible to bring together and compare internal and external analyzes with the micro and macro environments of the company.

Figure 2: The axes of the SWOT matrix

Source :

The SWOT matrix therefore puts forward two main axes namely the internal and external axis. The internal axis provides a view of the internal characteristics of the company or organization. The main components of this axis are :

strengths : these are the positive points internal to the company that give it a lasting advantage ;

weaknesses : As opposed to strengths, these are the negative points internal to the company with substantial room for improvement.

As for the external axis, it offers an exhaustive vision of the elements that can have an impact (positive or negative) on the company or the organization. He understands :

opportunities : these are external factors or situations that the company can take advantage of;

threats : They group together the problems, obstacles or external brakes that can hinder the development of the project.



IV.1. Presentation of the questionnaire results IV.1.1. Identification of the profile of respondents

IV.1.1.1. The gender of the respondents

The distribution of respondents by gender is as follows :





Graphic 1. Breakdown of the target according to gender Source : 2020 survey data

The male gender dominates our sample with a rate of 71% while women represent only 29% of our respondents.

IV.1.1.2. age range

The graph below distributes the respondents according to their age group as follows:





[16 to 20] years old ] 20 to 25] years old ] 25 to 35] years old ] 35 to 40] years old

Graphic 2. Distribution of respondents according to age group Source : 2020 survey data

The age group that participated the most in this study is between 16 and 20 years old with 52% of the responses. Then, the respondents whose age varies between 20 and 25 years answered


our questionnaire with a rate of 37% of responses. In addition, people with an age group between 25 and 35 years old represent 09% of respondents. Finally, the lowest response rate was achieved by individuals aged between 35 and 40 years, ie 2%.

IV.1.1.3. Socio-Professional Category

This graph highlights the socio-professional category of the respondents as follows:

1% 1%




Student Diploma Unemployed

Business professional Teacher

Graphic 3. Breakdown of the target by socio-professional category Source : 2020 survey data

Students by far dominate the ranking of professions that took part in our survey with 95% of responses. Business professionals recorded a response rate of 2%. The least concerned are young graduates, the unemployed and teachers who each account for 1% of responses.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld