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Elaboration of a communication strategy for promoting the polytechnique language centre INPHB

par Oumar KANTÉ
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny - Diplôme de Technicien Supérieur Grade Licence professionnelle 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

IV.3.1. PESTEL analysis

We carried out the analysis of the macro-environment through a three-step methodology. First, we listed all the influencing factors using available data such as the Press, Internet, brainstorming, economic intelligence or foresight. We then grouped them together to identify structural trends. This analysis did not stop at a simple list, it defined the factors most impacting on the activity.

In general, all the variables that influence a business do not have the same importance over time. We classified these factors using a table and measured their impact more or less strong on a scale of 1 to 5 according to our requirements.

Finally, we determined whether these trends have a positive or negative impact on the structure by generating macro-environmental opportunities and threats. We have summarized them in a double-entry matrix shown below.


Board 2: PESTEL matrix






The efforts made by the

government in the process of national reconciliation and the decentralization of public power improve transparency and equity between the forces of the nation, thus promoting a good business climate.

The political tensions in the run-up to the presidential elections create a climate of uncertainty over national economic activity as well as that of the PLC if we consider the snowball effect.

Economic environment

The response plan against covid- 19, which provides for a budget of FCFA 1,700 billion, could slow the spread of the virus and

thus mitigate the economic
consequences of the pandemic avoiding any recession in GDP.

Risk of economic crisis because
of covid-19 according to the
Ministry of the Economy and

Finance, which forecasts a
recession of 7% to 50% of the level of global activity.

Environment Sociological

The preponderance of languages

as a tool for social and

professional integration is

increasingly more important
therefore a growth opportunity for CLP.

Modification of the consumption habits of populations in a health

crisis, opting more for basic

Technological environment

Very few barriers to access to innovations promote the transfer of technology between nations with high technological potential and those with low potential.

The growing role of applications

promoting distance learning
which tends to make language training establishments obsolete.

Ecological factors

Locating industries outside of residential cities in specific areas reduces the risk of pollution to populations.

The destruction of the forest

accelerates the tendency to

desertification and thus a
decrease in rainfall, the effects of which on the climate are already being felt.

Environment Legal

The creation in 2013 of the high
authority of good governance
ensuring a mission of prevention

and fight against corruption

promotes an atmosphere of

credibility of justice and

Poor performance of the country in terms of the fight against

corruption. The country is
ranked 106 out of 180 countries

in 2019, falling by 1 point
compared to 2018.

Source : Student, 2020.

- credibility of trainers ;

- good quality service ;

- confidence of partners ;

- benefit from the image of the


- 4 sophisticated laboratories ;

- advanced technology ;

- large capacity of the rooms ;

- great ease of access to the


- favorable opinions from


- possibility of collaboration with

the audio-visual commission


- non-permanence of the service ;

- low self-financing capacity ;

- cumbersome financial

management ;

- too few staff ;

- course hours too long for

permanent staff ;

- cumulation of tasks ;

- poor command of it tools ;

- machine maintenance problem ;

-improving equity between the forces of the nation and the business climate ;

- response plan against covid-19 to mitigate its economic consequences ;

- the preponderance of languages as a tool for social and professional integration ;

- very few barriers to access to

innovations promote
technology transfer ;

-the creation of the high authority of good governance promotes an atmosphere of credibility of justice and business ;

- political tensions ahead of the presidential elections in october 2020 ;

- risk of economic crisis due to covid-19 ;

- changing consumption habits in a health crisis ;

- very strong competition in the sector with new distance learning tools ;

- the perverse effects of deforestation on the climate ;

- poor performance of the country in terms of corruption.


précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je ne pense pas qu'un écrivain puisse avoir de profondes assises s'il n'a pas ressenti avec amertume les injustices de la société ou il vit"   Thomas Lanier dit Tennessie Williams