IV.3.2. SWOT synthesis
At this level, we will present the SWOT analysis of the company.
This is summarized in the table below :
Board 3: SWOT synthesis
Source : Student, 2020.
IV.4. Proposal of a communication strategy
It will be a question of formulating suggestions in order to
promote the structure.
IV.4.1. Identifying the problem
The Polytechnic Language Center suffers from a notoriety problem.
Indeed, the awareness of
the Center is very low.
IV.4.2. Determination of objectives
IV.4.2.1. Communication objective
Our objective is to set up a communication strategy in order to
promote the Polytechnic Language Center. Thus, this strategy aims to increase
the reputation of the structure to 90% for the first half of 2021.
IV.4.2.2. Marketing objective
The marketing objective of this strategy is to increase the
attendance rate of the Polytechnic Language Center by 80% for the first
semester of 2021.
IV.4.3. Target determination
In view of the survey data, we propose a
targeting15oriented towards the socio-professional category. We then
distinguish :
· students ;
· teachers ;
· business professionals ;
· young graduates ;
· the unemployed.
IV.4.4. Positioning
We position the Polytechnic Language Center as : "a center of
excellence". This notion of excellence is a term that contains several
advantages for the structure because it will allow it to stand out from other
language establishments, a source of competitive advantage.16
15 The act of trying to reach a particular
16 Significant difference between an organization and
its competitors.
IV.4.5. Creative strategy
IV.4.5.1. Communication axis
By communication axis, we must understand the main message
that the company wants its target to retain. We propose the following line of
communication : "Excellence makes the difference".
IV.4.5.2. Communication concept
A communication concept is the original process of situating
an idea in relation to a marketing strategy.
As a concept, we suggest to the Polytechnic Language Center to
find visuals17 or sounds to represent "excellence".
IV.4.5.3. Communication promise
The promise is the definition of what motivates consumers to buy
the product over another.
We offer the following promise : Quality training with quality
IV.4.5.4. Rationale for the promise
It represents the characteristic of the product or the element
that supports the promise. We propose "the image of the INP-HB". INP-HB is a
center of excellence recognized by the International Organization of La
Francophonie18, the Mano River Union19, the World Bank,
IV.4.5.5. Benefit perceived by the target
Advantage obtained by the consumer from the product promise.
We offer as a benefit : "high level training, certification recognized all over
the world".
IV.4.5.6. Message tone
Tone or personality is the general atmosphere the ad should
convey. It can be demonstrative, humorous, dramatic. We suggest the
«serious» tone because it is more suited to our positioning which
focuses on «excellence».