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Nécessité de réforme du système pénitentiaire en RDC: une étude des droits des détenus dans la maison d'arrêt de Boma, le camp de détention de Buluo et la prison centrale de Kasapa

Université de Likasi (RDC) - Licence en droit, Département de Droit public 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


As the title of our tapicis : « need of reform prison reform in the democratic republic of Congo. (Survey of the right of detention in the remnad center of Boma, detention camp of Buluo and Kasapa prison.)»

It would rather be important to get interested in article 16 of the Democratic Républic of Congo Constitution and Article 7 of the international, pact related civil and political right, which stipulates that the humain is sacred, the state is urged to respect and protect them. Each person has the right to life, physical integrity as well as to the freedom developpment of their personality by respecting the law, public order, rights of others and morality.

None can undergo a cruel inhumain, or degradant consideration.Without forgeting the historical analysis of the first category document which fromes with our research area for it relates to the same fact of the topic. Hence the ordinance law n°344 of 17 september 1965 on the prison regime. There are difficulties and insuffisance that we have discovered by facusing on the heseameter system of quitilian, but with regard to the ordinance authenticity 344 of 17 september 1965 it does not course a problem, for it was during the time of late president Joseph KASAVUBU, but according to the ideas of Paul LAZARSTELD, for he also evokes the system of quitilian. So, there are different difficulties because of the unsuitability and incampatibility in nowadays situations of the modernisation of prison system. According to Paul LAZARSTELD and quitelian : who says what ?; to whom ?; And when and with which of objective ?. So the late president Joseph KASAVUBU, he was adressing to the detained people following the reality epoc and not the today's prison system which has also its Own realities of the moment. The reform is needed which also aims at revising the ordinance law n° 344 of the 17thseptember 1965 for its adaptability to nowadays reality (realities) and to the event of the promoting the humain rights which is imposed every where. At least, this ordinance of the 17th september 1965.

It can help us as a reference in order to make again a modern prison regime and conforms to reality of actual human rights, our observation inprison system has been detected and we have proceded by the sampling system and surveys, by survey for the remand center of BOMA and in the detention camp of Buluo that are our fields of research by excellence in the Haut-Katanga Province. Withautforgeting the central Prison of Kasapa in Lubumbashi. Following in the DRC, we are mingled and we have to interrogate 30% of the Prison population of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Thraugh interview of leaders and the detained people being in the detention areas.

Then, we have noticed that the correct margin is of 95% and the magin of error is of 5%. After proceeding this, we have found that there is a need of reform of the Prison system of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Key words : Detention, Prevention, Reform, Remand center, Detention camp, Prison, Sentenced, extramuros, Intramuros etc.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius