ADL: Arthur Doo Little
AM: Audit Marketing
BCG: Boston Consulting Group
FFOM : (en anglais SWOT) Forces, Faiblesses,
Opportunités, Menaces
OHADA : Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit
des Affaires
PESTEL : Politique, Economique, Socioculturel, Technologique,
Ecologique et Législatif
RDC : République Démocratique du Congo
SPRL : Société Privée à
Responsabilité Limitée
SWOT: (en français FFOM) Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Treats

This scientific work develops in the following lines our
contribution in the development of a specific methodology of marketing audit,
from an analysis of its practice on the whole of the companies in the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
To do this, we started from the observation of the
non-applicability of the marketing audit in the company where we work as deputy
Commercial Director.
This led us to conduct a field investigation to make sure if
the problem is specific to ARNO SPRL Company or it is a problem that affects
the whole environment Congolese.
And at the end of survey, we discover the ignorance of the
concept of marketing audit, and also it's not practical for most Congolese
After analysis and critique of existing methods, that we have
read, we developed a specific methodology and justify its originality for a
better implementation of the marketing audit by the Congolese companies.
This is the purpose of this 3rd cycle focus of
management and business law, in marketing & management option, entitled
«Marketing Audit practice in the commercial Congolese companies and
validation of methodology. Real case study» and that we develop, into the
following structure:
In fact, besides dedication and acknowledgments, this study
begins with a general introduction, followed by the development of work in two
main parts and finishes by a general conclusion and appendices.
The general introduction deals:
a) The problematic issue and the context in which we have chosen
this theme.
b) The working hypothesis with attempted answers to a series
of five questions we asked in relation to the problem.
c) The interest of the theme on the originality and the scope
of its contribution to the analysis of a real management problem in relation of
the cursus chosen in the third cycle program.

The objectives of the choice of subject.
e) The methodology or approach allowing analyzing,
understanding and developing our theme and using a series of methods and
techniques of scientific research related to this theme.
The first part is devoted to generalities and includes two
chapters. The first one develops the understanding of concept of marketing
audit in its definition, its history, its objectives and its practice.
Concerning the origin of marketing audit, it is rooted in finance and
integrated into the management practices of business in first time in 1959. It
is an approach whose goal is challenging marketing strategies by a diagnostic
analysis of a crisis, which should lead to the formulation of recommendations
to propose to the General Direction of enterprise to make corrections in the
strategic achievement of business objectives. The second chapter deals the
contribution of marketing audit in the life of enterprise and demonstrates how
as tool for decision support and the place that it occupies in the management
mechanisms of the marketing activity.
The second part is consecrated essentially to our analysis of
real problem of management, our case study in chapters 3 and 4.
The chapter 3 deals with our investigations on field with
different companies at Kinshasa. We justify the level of marketing audit
practice and proceed to the analysis and interpretation of survey.
The chapter 4, after observations from chapter 3, we make a
comparative and critical study of some methods reading in the literature that
permit us to validate a specific methodology that we have developed.
Our methodology starts from a short introduction on motives,
followed of the fundamental prerequisites in this tool and the description of
their four steps of audit work. The conclusion of this chapter explains the
originality of our contribution and 5 reasons for the validation of our
methodology. Also we formulate some recommendations, about the Congolese
reality, on the necessity for auditor to be a structure out business in the
At the end of this work, a general conclusion closing our study
and recall the different steps of this analysis and our contribution in the
context of a case study.
