5. A snapshot of wine education through 5 different
countries (public educational system. Vocational diplomas)
Wine consumption
22.3 (increasing)
53.8 (decreasing)
30.8 (decreasing)
20.9 (increasing)
9 (increasing). Source :
per capita (2006 source OIV)
Trade data and analysis
Wine courses are electives in
Wine courses are
Wine courses are
No specific courses in the
syllabus (state)
all levels of education.
mandatory and included in all levels of the
included in syllabus and are mandatory
mainstream education
No specific, common programs, but some college
- Certificate II in hospitality
- Diploma in food and
or university offer whether
- Certificate III in hospitality
- CAP (Certificat
- Grado medio servicios
beverage operations :
elective units through
- Certificate IV in hospitality
d'aptitude professionnel) (2 years program) (1800
en restauracion
120 hours through the
table drink service
hospitality programs or sometimes a full wine
- Diploma in hospitality
hours + training period)
2 years studies. (2000
- BTEC levels 4 and 5
program including wine
- Baccalauréat
hours including
higher national
service (e.g. Santa Rosa
- Advanced diploma of
professionnel and Brevet
training period)
certificate: beverage
Junior college). Emphasis
de technicien (3 years
preparation and service
is also done on wine
- Grado superior
(unit 5: food and
foreign countries
Hospitality students can
- BTS (brevet de
beverage operations
graduate without studying
technicien supérieur) (2
A complete unit of 5
Hospitality programs are
or 3 years programme)
hours per week on the
Elective). Apply
mainly undertaken at
Students often come back to
second year
sensory evaluation
study wine while in the
An average of 1 hour per
(sommellerie). Wine
techniques to assess
workforce (e.g. : WSET)
week devoted to wine (apart
service is done on the
beverage acceptability
Degrees or non-degrees
Special unit on international wines (only in Sydney
for the moment)
wine service in restaurant) Minimal courses on
international wines
first year
(unit 27. Elective) (source : edexcel)
Sommelier courses
Only in Sydney (TAFE) : Certificate III in hospitality
specialised in the role of sommelier
- Mention complémentaire
sommellerie (certificate)
- Brevet professionnel sommelier (advanced diploma)
- University degree in
sommellerie (Pablo Olavide university. Seville). Great
emphasis is done on foreign vineyards.
(fees around 2000 €). It is not compulsory to have an
hospitality background
- Sommelier and wine
culture courses (Logrono)
Only through private programs
Private schools.
Wine evaluation and
service certificate (not only dedicated to the sommelier job)
(Santa Rosa Junior College)
Waiting culture
No waiting culture. Waiters are usually university students.
Waiting as a career is not officially recognised
Waiting is strongly linked to the food culture (e.g. :
Vatel). But the job is now less attractive and no longer seen as
enhancive as before
Not seen as an attractive job. Perceived as a servile job
No waiting culture
Sommelier Australia (ASI
Union De la Sommellerie
Unión de Asociaciones
The Academy of Food and
Sommelier society of
Française (UDSF) (ASI member)
Españolas de Sumilleres (UAES) (ASI observer)
wine service (ASI member)
United States sommelier association
American sommelier association
Legal drinking age
16 (changing)
18 (16, 17 with a meal)
Number of WSET centres (source :
private schools, programs
Court of Master sommelier, WSET
Few private sommelier courses.
WSET. The Macon Davayé School is the only public school in
France which authorized to prepare 3 different levels of the WSET exam
(included diploma)
The Wine Academy of Spain (TWAS) is a private organisation
devoted to the promotion of the Spanish wines
WSET (accredited by the QCA)
Importance of the Master of wine
Society of wine educators (non-profit organization) International
sommelier guild (Master sommeliers similar title as master of wine in UK and
Sommelier diploma program, 6 month International program)
5.1. Australia
«In Australia education is delivered through a network of
Training Packages designed for each industry. The package is the Tourism
Hospitality and Events Training Package and has a number of qualifications
leading to job outcomes.» (Clive Hartley Senior Head Teacher, Food &
Beverage/Event Management TAFE, Sydney).
- Waiting as a career is not officially recognised as an
apprenticeship by the government - Only few restaurants can afford to employ a
sommelier. The role is usually taken by the owner or the restaurant manager
- Wine lists in many suburbia and country towns are very small
and offer only local wines
- Wine consumption per capita : 22.3 (2006)
- The hospitality industry has never officially recognised the
job (sommelier). - Many Australians tend to find the sommelier intimidating.
- Things are changing and the Sommelier Association is becoming
more important - Hospitality students can graduate without studying wine
- Each qualification is devised and discussed by bodies with
representatives in the hospitality industry. The number of wine units are
- Students leaving the courses do not have the skills and
knowledge to be able to talk confidently about wine
- Customers in Australia are becoming more knowledgeable and that
can be a disadvantage for the students
- Students come back to college to pick up specialist knowledge
on wine and enrol in short courses
Advanced diploma of hospitality:
28 core units must be completed
15 elective units must be completed
Career opportunities: food and beverage manager, executive
Wine courses are electives:
- Serve food and beverage to customers 110 hours
- Provide food and beverage service 80 hours
- Provide table service of alcoholic beverages 50 hours
- Conduct a product tasting for alcoholic beverages 40 hours -
Provide specialised advice on imported wines 40 hours
- Provide specialised advice on Australian wines 40 hours -
Manage the sale of service of wine 80 hours
Table 2. Source: Assessment guide diploma Tafe